P. 26

Uttam Kumar Dhal

                                                    Electrician (2017-19)

                                                       Habits  that  formed  upon  every  day,  results  in  big

                                                       change in the later phase”. The story is about such a
                          ITI was an amazing
                          journey as a part of         young  and  dynamic  boy,  who  invested  well  in  his
                           my life which is the        present and saw a fruitful future. Uttam comes from a

                          stepping stone in my         small village near Bhograi, Baleswar in Odisha which
                                                       is around 260 km away from Bhubaneswar. His father

                                                       is  a  farmer.  There  are  eight  members  in  his  family
                                                       including parents, an elder brother and four sisters.

                                                       The  only  family  income  was  the  agriculture
                                One has to             production,  which  was  merely  sufficient  for  their
                           invested well in his        consumption.
                             present to see a
                               fruitful future

                                                       After completion of his intermediate he was confused
                                                       for what to do because there was no one to guide him.

                                                       He came to know about T.T.I Takatpur and  applied
                              Skill is not just
                            limited to studying        for it. He took admission in Electrician Trade. Being
                                 inside the            an optimist and a hard worker Uttam, started to work
                            Classroom, it has          there with full enthusiasm. He worked hard to grab all
                          practical applicability      the opportunities there. His interest towards Electrical
                           too which has to be
                                 practiced.            Engineering  gradually  increased.  He  soon  realized
                                                       that  skill  is  not  just  limited  to  studying  inside  the

                                                       Classroom, it has practical applicability too. He soon

                                                            We are Inspired By….
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