P. 14

Paresh Sahu

                                                      Welder (2014-15)

                                                       It's  the  motivation  that  drives  someone  to  achieve
                             It is a real story        anything he or she wants. It might be anything. Might
                           about “chasing the          be material things like a car, bungalow, pets, money
                            best”. A Journey
                            between what we            etc.  or  it  might  be  love,  affection,  self-respect,
                            are and what we            increasing self-esteem level like emotion. In this case,

                                want to be.            it  is  a  story  about  chasing  the  best.  A  Journey

                                                       between  what  we  are  and  what  we  want  to  be.
                                                       Chasing the best is a story that narrates the journey

                                                       of a young naughty, not interested in study boy turns
                            Chasing best still
                           running in my blood         to  be  a  part  of  one  of  the  most  prestigious
                             with the belief of        organizations of the country. It's the life journey of a
                            hard work always           boy  who  chases  recognition  in  spite  of  all  the  odd
                                    pays.              situation of his life, to reach a position where everyone

                                                       admires him, feel proud of him, and yes, there he won
                                                       recognition in the society.

                                                       Paresh Kumar Sahu belongs to a middle-class family.
                          Being in the comfort
                           zone, will never let        Whose father is a worker in a jute mill & the mother is
                            you do hard work           a  homemaker.  He  has  one  sister  and  a  brother.  A
                           which will adversely        family that even struggles for its basic needs.  As the
                            affect your career.        youngest child, Paresh used to be a naughty boy. He

                                                       likes to play a lot, wander hither and thither once his
                                                       father leaves for the job. His mother hard to control

                                                            We are Inspired By….
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