P. 7

“Friend in need is a friend indeed”. His mobile again rang and this time it is his
                        bosom  friend  Nilakantha  who  did  job  in  a  private  company,  Tapan  told  him

                        everything and cried over phone. His friend told him as your mother told you, this is
                        your last attempt, may be god wants something better for you. These word poured

                        the energy within his soul, Tapan decide to return on the next train to his hometown.

                        May, 2017 when Tapan got the message for rescheduling of Delhi metro rail exam.
                        Life has shown him so much that now he took this as a general event. His father

                        told I can’t afford your ticket. Tapan got the help from his friend and teacher and
                        moved to Delhi again. It was scotching heat in the mid of hot summer. Still it could

                        not stop him,, as he has already a fire burning in his belly. Train reached at Delhi
                        just the day before the date of exam. Tapan moved to general waiting hall, sat on

                        the floor. He got the book from his bag and started solving problems. Even the

                        crowded hall couldn’t divert his focus. Sometime he looked at the other people who
                        slept on the dirty floor. Meanwhile he didn’t know when his eyes got closed and he

                        slept on the Delhi railways platform. He woke up by a shrilling sound of train horn,

                        he realized it’s already morning. He got freshened and went to exam hall. He tried
                        to solve as much as question as he can. Then he returned back to home with a

                        thought as he appeared his last attempt. He wanted to forget every struggle moment
                        as if ready to accept his fate.

                        He joined a private college as a warden and served there for arranging bread and
                        butter for the fmily. Meanwhile three months elapsed, he now accomplish him with

                        his new job as warden. But his heart never wanted to settle there, it can’t be his fate.

                        In a dark night, Tapan after having his dinner with his family, preparing his bed aside
                        of his father’s bed,  got a call from his Friend Niranjan who gave him the news of his

                        clearing of written examination. Tapan couldn’t believe to his ears. He asked him so
                        many time is it true or not. But got the same word from other side. Clearing metro

                        rail exam means no viva. Now he has a prestigious job, just after few medical and
                        document verification. Tapan told this news to his father, he was overwhelmed, and

                        this time the tear of happiness flew through his eyes. Now everyone his happy.

                        Picture Abhi Baki hai……….

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