Page 2 - My Story. Our Story. God's Story.
P. 2

A Congregation's Challenge: First

            Lutheran Church in the Face of a Pandemic

           Our collective experience of the Covid-19 pandemic was a tumultuous journey for
           the  members  of  First  Lutheran  Church,  the  Lincoln  community  and  the  world  at

           large. The congregation harbored great expectations for 2020, envisioning a dual
           celebration  commemorating  150  years  as  a  congregation  and  the  long  awaited

           unveiling  of  the  renovated  sanctuary  and  fully  accessible  church  building.  The
           inability  to  mark  both  milestones  proved  to  be  a  significant  challenge.  It  felt  as

           though the ground was pulled from beneath our feet.

           On  March  13,  2020,  in  compliance  with  the  directives  from  state  and  local
           authorities, all in-person worship services and gatherings had to be canceled until
           what  was  initially  expected  to  be  early  April.  The  initial  optimism  regarding  the

           church's temporary closure was overshadowed by the swift spread of Covid-19 and
           the increasing death toll. Unbeknownst to us then, the brief closure would extend

           into a prolonged one.

           In August 2020, a Risk Dial developed by the Lancaster County Health Department
           offered guidance to our community regarding responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

           Dr.  Bob  Rauner,  a  member  of  First  Lutheran  Church  and  a  physician,  was
           acknowledged  locally  and  nationally  for  sharing  his  public  health  expertise.  The
           wider Lincoln community benefitted from his informative YouTube videos on Covid-

           19,  dispersing  precise  and  timely  information  alongside  recommendations  for
           navigating the pandemic.

           This  period  of  time  was  challenging  for  many,  marked  by  feelings  of  loneliness,
           uncertainty, disconnection and loss. The farewell to three staff members, Pastor Dan

           Warnes,  Deacon  Sunni  Richardson  and  Pastor  Justin  Eller,  who  received  calls  in
           2020, was bittersweet at First Lutheran and added to the collective feeling of loss.

           Drive-through send-offs were arranged to bid a safe goodbye and to convey our
           expressions of gratitude and support.
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