Page 7 - My Story. Our Story. God's Story.
P. 7

As a faith community, we can be confident that God is always renewing us! Each
           and every person’s life story is a precious glimpse of our collective story, enveloped

           in  God’s  much  larger  story  of  deep  love  and  grace,  new  beginnings  and  great

           As  we  tell  our  stories,  we  affirm  that  God  is  fully  present  in  daily  life,  at  work

           through it all. Naming life’s ups and downs is a way of inviting each other into our
           lives and providing encouragement. Understanding our community’s stories helps us
           see how and where God is at work and what prayers are needed. Opportunities to

           offer care and support and to serve become clearer. Connections deepen among

           Two years ago, in the midst of Lent 2020, life as we knew it was disrupted by the

           onset of a worldwide pandemic. Far from a short-term incident, this historic event
           found its way into each and every life, weaving itself into our stories in ways large

           and small.

           We  encountered  unexpected  uncertainty,  unrest,  distrust,  loss,  grief  and  tension.

           Emotions  like  frustration,  anger,  worry,  disappointment,  loneliness  and  despair
           lived within us alongside celebrations, blessings, joy, challenges, opportunities and


           During  Lent  2022,  as  a  community,  we  are  intentionally  gathering  stories  from

           every household in the congregation.


           As  we  tell  our  stories,  we  affirm  that  God  is  fully  present  in  daily  life,  at  work
           through it all. Naming life’s ups and downs is a way of inviting each other into our

           lives, of providing encouragement. Understanding our community’s stories helps us
           see how and where God is at work, what prayers are needed. Opportunities to
           offer care and support and to serve become clearer. Connections deepen among

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