Page 9 - My Story. Our Story. God's Story.
P. 9

opportunity to reminisce, reunite with family and friends in person during these and
           other,  more  routine  times  profoundly  affected  the  members  and  friends  of  First

           Lutheran  Church.  Common  words  found  on  the  tiles,  such  as  "fear,  separation,
           isolation, loneliness, anxiety and stress," illustrate the emotional toll of that period.

           Many  tiles  displayed  subdued  colors  to  convey  the  depth  of  emotions  felt;  some
           exhibited vibrant colors inspired by the natural world.

           The  tiles  revealed  the  impact  of  the  pandemic  on  daily  routines.  Some  sought
           comfort  in  Zoom  calls,  phone  conversations  and  driveway  meetings  to  connect

           safely  with  loved  ones.  The  work  environment  also  shifted  to  a  virtual  setting  for
           certain  office  workers.  Substantial  and  frequent  changes  in  healthcare  practices

           raised  concerns  for  the  health  of  healthcare  workers,  influencing  their  ability  to
           cope in stressful situations. Practical responses, such as sewing masks, prompted a

           surge  of  activities  aimed  at  safeguarding  others  from  the  virus.  Boredom  was  a
           sentiment expressed by more than one individual! Engaging in puzzles, exploring

           new family games or taking walks in the park were some ways to fill the time.

           Feelings of helplessness were prevalent during that time and were widely expressed

           through  member  tiles.  Initially,  there  was  little  understanding  of  how  to  restore
           health to those affected by the virus, causing fear for one's health and that of loved

           ones. The realization that our nation lacked unity in responding to the pandemic
           was disheartening. It became evident that wise actions were crucial to ensure the
           well-being of the majority. Collectively, we adhered to guidelines and procedures

           as  we  transitioned  back  to  in-person  activities.  Seeing  only  the  upper  portion  of
           others' faces due to masks posed a challenge for everyone!

           Amidst the swirling and confusing times, a profound sense of faith and gratitude for

           God’s  promised  presence  emerged  -  a  prominent  theme  throughout  the  mosaic.
           Families  discovered  strengthened  bonds,  revisited  priorities,  adjusted  work

           schedules and cherished shared moments. Gratitude abounded for nature's solace
           amidst  worries,  acknowledging  our  resilience  and  creativity  and  finding  joy  in
           simple pleasures.
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