Page 5 - My Story. Our Story. God's Story.
P. 5

marshmallows gift in the comfort of our homes. Although singing traditional carols
           in an unconventional setting felt unfamiliar, hearing others’ voices blend with our

           own felt almost, if not quite, like Christmas.

           The business of the church continued as the Congregational Council and various
           ministry groups met virtually via Zoom. The 151st Annual Meeting of First Lutheran

           Church  took  place  in  January  2021,  with  a  virtual  attendance  of  over  125
           individuals on Zoom. With the validation of online voting by the Nebraska ELCA,
           First Lutheran successfully carried out an online election of leaders.

           Throughout  2021,  we  navigated  the  challenges  of  the  pandemic,  adhering  to

           safety  guidelines,  such  as  mask-wearing  and  social  distancing,  to  protect  our
           congregation. Our return to in-person worship on Ash Wednesday, February 17,

           2021, in the newly renovated Sanctuary was a significant milestone. Adhering to
           safety  protocols,  we  limited  the  Sanctuary  occupancy  to  25%,  approximately  80

           individuals, while continuing to offer livestream viewing. Despite the prohibition of
           singing  aloud  due  to  concerns  about  spreading  the  coronavirus,  this  emotional
           experience marked a long-awaited return to worshiping together in person.

           On June 4, 2021, the following message was sent to First Lutheran members:

           Drum roll, please...All COVID-related restrictions have been lifted at First Lutheran
           Church!  This  is  the  time  we  have  all  been  waiting  for  over  the  past  15  months!
           WOO HOO! This means that masks are no longer required (even during worship),

           there  are  no  capacity  restrictions,  food  and  drinks  are  allowed  (including  donut
           holes, coffee and juice on Sunday mornings!) and the full worship liturgy returns.

           We understand that some may still feel uncomfortable with having no restrictions in
           place so we ask everyone to practice kindness, patience and understanding as we

           all transition into a more normal life and routine.

           The  sense  of  progress  continued  as  we  welcomed  our  new  Lead  Pastor,  Erin
           Heidelberger,  on  August  16,  2021.  While  we  are  grateful  for  the  skilled  and
           caring  leadership  of  Pastor  Stephen  Griffith  and  Pastor  Bill  Peterson  during  the

           interim,  the  stability  brought by our new Lead Pastor was reassuring. However,  it
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