Page 8 - My Story. Our Story. God's Story.
P. 8

Lent  at  First  Lutheran  Church  will  include  unique  opportunities  to  reflect  on  our
           stories, anchored by Wednesday worship and the tender liturgy of Holden Village’s

           “Prayers Around the Cross.”

           Here’s what’s ahead:
                The  Lenten  midweek  worship  service  will  feature  personal  reflections  from

                members of the congregation on their experiences during the pandemic.
                My  Story.  Our  Story.  God’s  Story.,  a  story-collecting  outreach,  will  provide
                every household with a small blank canvas for use in representing themes from

                their two-year journey. The canvas is uniquely yours to design. Photos, words
                cut from printed materials, Bible verses, small objects, images from magazines,

                symbols, drawings, blocks of color, hymn lyrics can be incorporated. A short
                description of the themes or stories represented on the canvas is requested.

                The  canvases  will  form  a  large  mosaic  that  will  be  displayed  at  the  church.
                Descriptions will be linked to every canvas by a QR code, making each story

                viewable using a smartphone. Printed copies will be available for reflection.

           In the weeks ahead, look for more details about how you can contribute to the My

           Story. Our Story. God’s Story. all-congregation mosaic. And, get ready to answer
           the question, “What’s Your Story?”

           On Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022, the My Story. Our Story. God's Story. mosaic
           was revealed on a dedicated wall in the Commons area. Members were drawn in,

           pausing  at  the  mosaic  to  observe,  read  and  contemplate  the  congregation's
           pandemic journey.

           The mosaic tiles revealed the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our

           lives. Canvas tiles of various sizes were adorned in multiple ways: photographs,
           fabric, drawings, typed words, even tiny knitting needles and yarn! Individuals who

           provided  a  written  description  of  their  tiles  shared  their  personal  and  community
           experiences  candidly.  The  mosaic  included  photo  tiles  honoring  members  lost
           during the pandemic as many experienced the loss of loved ones, leading to either

           canceled,  postponed  or  virtual-only  funerals  and  celebrations of life. The missed
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