Page 11 - February 2024 Issue.indd
P. 11
pandemic was for the health of all Americans it provided candidates enjoy a greater than 50% popularity rating among
a wonderful opportunity for Americans to improve their all Americans.
financial health. If you owned a home, you refinanced. If
you were creditworthy enough with suffi cient income you We are at the beginning of a presidential election like we
bought a house. have never seen before. An incumbent seeking re-election
at the waning years of his life versus a prior incumbent
The challenge going forward for Americans in this economy candidate fighting lawsuits from multiple diff erent directions
is to adjust their spending to align more with their income, that regardless of their outcome could hinder his ability to
which is obviously a challenge since credit card balances and effectively govern if he were elected.
delinquencies are going up. Consumers are continuing to
spend but they are using borrowed money (credit cards) to Either candidate getting elected President of the United States
pay for it. And as credit card balances grow it becomes more in 2024 would be a first in US history. One would be the oldest
of a struggle to make their payments. person to ever be elected President. The other would be the
first president or former president to be indicted, not once
Remember my advice, regardless of how hard it may be to but 91 times in four separate cases.
keep your head above water at the very least make the monthly
minimum payment due. Past due payments on credit cards There is no doubt that 2024 will be a very “interesting” year!
should be the easiest ding on your credit to avoid. Creditors Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for Bay Capital Mortgage
require such a small monthly payment in relation to the
Corp. with offices in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived
outstanding balance it is foolish to not make at least the
in Caroline for his entire life and supports the county by
minimum payment.
volunteering in a variety of ways. He currently lives near
If purchasing a home is in your future, whether in the market Greensboro with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
now, observing on the sidelines or planning on getting in later
this year, the real estate market in 2024 will be challenging at
best and nerve wracking at worst.
The uncertainty of which way inflation numbers will go has
increased with the December numbers. With the three prior
months’ numbers coming in line with the Fed’s 2% target, the
table is being set for a Fed decrease in March. Depending on
which prognosticator you listen to, the March cut could be
the first of two to four more reductions in 2024.
“Happy Days are here again,” or are they?
My philosophy about interest rate trends has been the same
for decades, and I have always been 100% correct in my
predictions. You can bet on it! WITH THEIR NEW HOME
Interest rates will “always” not just “sometimes” do one of
three things. They will either go up, stay the same or they may Kathleen Brenton
go down. Count on it. Broker
Cell: 410-829-3430
I do seriously feel that the Fed will not increase interest rates
this year. They have finished increasing rates to slow the
economy and rein in infl ation. They will very diligently focus KĸĐĞ͗ ϰϭϬͲϰϳϵͲϰϲϲϯ
on inflation numbers going forward and focus on not just BRENTON REALTY GROUP LLC
one month’s number but consider the trend. If the trend goes
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down, they will be more inclined to reduce rates. If the trend
is mixed, up one month, down the next I think they will take
a wait and see attitude and leave rates as they are.
They will be laser focused on what is happening with the
presidential election and not want any of their actions to
be considered to advantage one candidate over the other.
And as it appears right now, neither of the two most likely