Page 6 - February 2024 Issue.indd
P. 6

Dating Advice from                 Tell them how you feel!

                   Chad Dean                   That’s it. Thank you for coming to my
                                               TED talk.
                     by Chad Dean              Wait.

                                               You might come off a little weird and
            Anyone who knows me in real life will
                                               make the situation awkward if that is

            from the start find the notion of such a
                                               what you lead with. Cold openings are
            column coming from yours truly hilari-

                                               often tough sledding, even in the Febru-
            ous in theory alone, but I thought, in the
                                               ary snow. You want cozy. Here’s cozy:

            name of creative non-fiction, I would

            give it a try this month. Without further   Comedy helps. Confidence too. If clos-
            adieu, here is a simple yet foolproof plan   ing time is near and the lady next to you
            so you will not be lonely for the most   leans over to put her head on you just
            romantic time of the year:         because there is a warm body sitting
                                               there at the bar, go with it. And when
            Step 1: Create a hyperlocal facebook
                                               she remarks that you have a comfortable
            group exclusively for and about Caroline
                                               shoulder or chest, you tell her that your
            County, then start showing up at area
                                               lips are comfortable too.
            hearings, meetings, tours, restaurants

            and more representing and reporting   So do flowers, in the grand scheme of
            back to its ever-growing membership.  things, if the above-witnessed scenario   I bet you never knew that side of Chad
                                               is too 1990s Kent Island for you. You   Dean existed. Horticulture and fl oricul-
            Step 2. Post daily threads on this “Caro-  don’t need to spring for a dozen red
            line Past and Present” group about local   roses right away. In fact, google the color   ture are both extensions of my farming
            history, travel, politics, and anything else   range for roses and other fl oral arrange-  background and multiple classes at the
            out there that is righteously provocative   ments for just the right situation. Yellow   Caroline Career and Technology Center,
            or at least interesting to area residents.                           I swear.
                                               roses for a budding friendship. White
            Step 3. Wait for the date offers to pour   roses when you miss that would-be   Guys: Every girl I know also likes choc-

            in.                                special someone. Pink for admiration   olate-covered strawberries. Chocolate-
                                               if you are bold. If not, daisies if you are   covered chocolate. Chocolate-covered
            Of course, your results may vary.   more light-hearted with your demeanor   anything. Chocolate is a time-honored

            If you lack the time, resources, or intan-  or approach. White lilies to indicate   jumping off point. You can’t go wrong.
                                                                                 Even diabetics and those with allergies
            gibles to make this strategy work for you,   sophistication. Irises if you want to stress   make exceptions on special occasions.
            might I suggest another path. This one is   thoughtfulness. Carnations rhyme with   Bonus points if one or both of you are

            much more direct but assumes there is   fascination.
                                                                                 Ridgelyites; the dramatic strawberry
            someone already on your radar:
                                                                                 gesture shows you care on myriad levels
                                                                                 of consciousness.
                                                                                 Movies work too. If you get invited
                                                                                 to Netflix a romantic title, or one that

                                                                                 involves cats, or books, or all of the
                                                                                 above, you suck it up and you watch
                                                                                 that film. You pay attention the entire

                                                                                 time. You say how much you enjoyed the
                                                                                 nuances of the plot and characters and
                                                                                 dialogue and setting. Trust the narra-
                                                                                 tor on this; he is a perennially reliable
                    SELLERS OF COOL OLD STUFF                                    one no matter where you jumped in
                                                                                 on his timeline. I certainly would not
                                                                                 have endeavored to watch Th e Guernsey
                  SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS & BONUS DAYS THROUGH SPRING                 Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on
                           (*SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGES)                        my own.
                          214A MARKET STREET, DENTON, MD                         You know what doesn’t work? One
                     301-357-0226  MOESONMARKET@GMAIL.COM                        might proffer an unwavering dedica-

                                                                                 tion to Buffalo Wild Wings and a lifelong
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