Page 10 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 10

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                                by Tolbert Rowe

                  Is Now a Good Time to Take the Plunge of Purchasing Your First Home?

            Last month I discussed getting yourself   Mortgage products made qualifying   equity in their home as leverage to

            ready to purchase or rent your fi rst home   even easier with adjustable rate and   refinance to a lower fixed rate when their
            and the steps necessary to prepare for   payment option programs that allowed   financial situation was better, hopefully.

            the leap to running your own household.   borrowers to pay less than the interest   Unfortunately, this equity was never
            Suggestions I made for those looking to   due so negative amortization dug the   realized and evaporated when values
            purchase are also prudent things to do   hole even deeper. Negative amortization   tumbled 40% to 50% in a very short
            if you intend to rent.             increases the loan balance every month   time.
                                               instead of reducing it like a traditional
            The challenge of purchasing a home                                   Fast forward to today and it may
                                               mortgage where some of the monthly
            in today’s market is the degree that                                 seem that the real estate values are
                                               payment goes toward reducing the
            home prices have risen in the last 12-18                             experiencing “déjà vue all over again.”
                                               principal balance.
            months. Since the initial shock of the                               Or is it?

            pandemic wore off in May/June of 2020   At that time real estate values were going   House prices have risen 20% to 40%
            the real estate prices have been on a   up so fast that buyers were convinced   in the last 12 months, depending
            straight shot upward. In most markets   that values would continue rising and   on the area and price range. Not
            and price ranges, prices have gone up   mortgage products at that time required   because underwriting guidelines and
            20-30% since early 2020 as demand for   very little, if any down payment or   requirements are very lax and there is a
            homes to purchase has far outweighed   up-front equity. Credit standards and   full menu of non- traditional mortgages,
            the available supply.              lending requirements were so lax that   like the early 2000’s. Today’s lending
                                               anyone could qualify for a mortgage.
            If prices are reaching their highest levels                          guidelines are very tight and if you do
            in decades, is now a good time to take   No income verification loans, or “liar   get a mortgage today, you have earned
            the plunge of purchasing your first   loans” meant that anyone could make   it. Ask anyone who has applied for a
            home, or any home for that matter?   up whatever income was necessary to   mortgage how “easy” the process has
                                               qualify, if willing to pay a higher interest   been? Stars must align with a borrower’s

            Those who were born before the Gen   rate. If a borrower had the verified   credit, verified income, property value

            Z generation (the period from the mid   income to qualify, why wouldn’t they   and funds invested in the transaction.
            1990’s to early 2010’s) will remember   want a lower interest rate, or need to do
            the real estate meltdown of 2007-2008.   a stated or no income loan?   The mortgage process is not really
            Many experienced the devastation of                                  different than it has always been.
            losing their house to foreclosure due to   With property values climbing monthly,   Information is provided by the
            “non-traditional” mortgages that only   borrowers using these “non-traditional”   applicant. The information is supported

            fixed the interest rate for a short period   loans felt that a higher interest rate was   with documentation, the value of the

            and then the rate adjusted higher and   a small price to pay if values continued   property is supported by a certified
            higher making repayment harder and   to go up. They would refinance to a   appraisal and, if no red flags pop up,
            harder for homeowners.             more traditional mortgage using the   your loan is approved. Th e repayment
                                                                                 of your loan will be completed with

                                                                                 fixed monthly payment that amortize
                                                                                 or repay the balance over a fi xed period
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
                                                                                 of time, or term. When interest rates
             Purchase or Refinance                                               fell below 3% demand for homes to
                                                                                 purchase exploded.
                                                                                 Real estate prices are driven by the most
                                                                                 basic of economic reasons, supply, and
                                                                                 demand. Prices go up when there is
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  more demand for a product than there
                                                                                 is supply. Conversely, when there is a
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,     larger supply of a product than demand
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending
                                               182844                            for that product, prices go down, or at
                                                                                 the very least they stop going up. Look
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                at what is happening today with prices
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