Page 12 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 12

Perfect Touch

                Because you deserve qqualified, llocal representation                  Hair Design
                      when managing life’s important issues.

               ?  ESTATE PLANNING                                                    1143 Shore Hw  y
                                                                                     1143 Shore Hwy. Denton. Denton
               ?  RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL                 300 Market Street
                                                              Suite 104
                  REAL ESTATE AND SETTLEMENTS               Denton, Maryland             410-479-28332833
               ?  LLC FORMATION & BUSINESS LAW                 21629                Ann Draper & Lisa Young (Murray)
                                                                                      nn Dra
                                                                                            er & Lisa Y
               ?  MUNICIPAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW                                           O ver 30  y ear s
                                                                                          Over 30 years
               ?  GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL                     410.310.1774                combined  experience
                                                                                        combined  experience
                Our attorney, Patrick Thomas, and our Settlement
               Agent, Sandy Hayman, are available to travel to your
                                                                                      Appointments Appreciated
                           preferred location.                                        A pp ointments A pp reciated
                                                                                          Walk-Ins Welcome
                                                                                          Walk-Ins Welcome
                                                                                      Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.m.
            Watch for how long a property is on   construction has been lax for many   T ues d a y  - F r i d ay  9 a.m. - 7  p.
            the market until under contract. Many   reasons, the biggest being cost of   Sat. 9-noon. Wed., Closed
                                                                                       Sat. 9-noon. Wed., Closed
            properties have been going under   construction so significant that the cost

            contract in a matter of days and in many   to build new exceeds that end value of   Happy Thanksgiving!
            cases a matter of hours in some areas.   the completed home. Price out the cost
            We are starting to see houses take a bit   of land, plus the cost of construction
            longer before going under contract.     plus infrastructure, well, septic etc. and
            Keeping an eye on sale prices in relation   you can easily have an end product
            to list prices is a good indicator that   costing $50,000 to $100,000 more than   Do not sit by and not buy a home because
            prices are peaking. We are not there   the finished product will appraise for.  you fear a decline in its value. Buy a

            yet, although multiple offers seem to be                              house because you can make it your
            slowing down.                      Our area will continue to be desirable   home, and a long-term investment. Do
                                               from an affordability standpoint. It still   not buy a home today with the thought

            The most important question to resolve   is cheaper to buy here than the Western   that you will sell it in three years for a
            if considering buying a home is what is   Shore, and with remote work taking the   tidy profit. Buy it to live in for 8-10 years

            the likelihood that we will see a market   across the bridge commute every day off    at which time you will have enough
            correction and prices fall, and if they do   the table, you can enjoy a Western Shore   equity for a new home.
            fall, will it be anything like what we saw   salary on an Eastern Shore bill.
            13-14 years ago?                                                     Be a realist. If values remain the same,
                                               So, if we continue to have a deficit   or plateau then the only equity you will
            My short answer to both questions is   of homes available for sale, and high   have gained during your ownership is
            no. I do not believe that we will see a   demand for affordable homes that   the principal amount that you have paid
            market correction of any significant   provide a rural lifestyle, I feel we have   down on your loan.
            consequence. What we will see is that   no reason to fear a peak in real estate
            prices hit a plateau where they will level   prices, one where values hit a high point   Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
            out and hover in a certain range for a   and then begin a decline.    Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi  ces
            period of years, not going up nor going                              in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
            down dramatically, or in some cases   What is more likely because demand   Caroline for his entire life and supports
            even noticeably. Maybe you purchased   will continue, is a plateau where values   the county by volunteering in a variety of
            a home for $300,000 and its value is   remain fl at. Demand will be supported   ways. He currently lives near Greensboro

            $300,000 five years from now.       by low fixed interest rates, maybe slightly   with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
                                               higher than today. Buyers today do not
            The only thing that could change my   have to fear a rug being pulled out from
            opinion would be a signifi cant decline   under them like what happened in 2008
            in demand for housing. This will not   when values plummeted because of
            happen anytime soon because we are   defaults on mortgage-backed securities
            not producing new housing units to   triggered by borrower defaults of non-
            keep up with increasing demand. New   traditional loan products.
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