Page 7 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 7

Farm Wellness Fair                 family members, or even themselves with   of running a successful ag operation.
                                               mental health and addiction issues.”  “We constantly monitor the health of
            University of Maryland Extension will                                our crops and animals and look for signs
                                               A 2020 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
            host a Farm Wellness Fair at the 4-H Park                            that they’re struggling. It’s important to
                                               Report published by the Centers for
            in Denton on November 8 from 11 AM                                   do that for our people too.”
                                               Disease Control identified suicide
            to 3 PM. The event will off er speakers,

                                               rates to be significantly higher in the   The Farm Wellness Fair is free to attend

            demos, vendors, and resources to support   agriculture industry than the general   and open to anyone interested in the
            farmers’ and farm workers’ mental health
                                               population. Opioid use has also had   agricultural community, including

            and wellbeing. The event will also include
                                               an outsized impact on rural, farming   farmers, farm workers, family members,
            the opportunity to earn two Maryland
                                               communities. A Morning Consult survey   suppliers, and supporters. Registration is
            Pesticide Private Applicator credits.
                                               sponsored by the American Farm Bureau   available at
            Lunch and snacks are included, and the
                                               Federation and the National Farmers
            event is free to attend.                                             The Farm Wellness Fair is hosted by
                                               Union found that 74% of farmers   University of Maryland Extension with
            The purpose of the Farm Wellness Fair   and farm workers have been directly   grant support from AmerisourceBergen

            is to connect the agriculture industry   impacted by opioid use, either by a family
                                                                                 Foundation, an independent not-for-
            with tools and resources that support   member or someone in their network
                                                                                 profit charitable giving organization
            healthy, profitable farm operations.   who has struggled with opioids, or by
                                                                                 focused on supporting health-
            University of Maryland Extension has   taking or becoming addicted to opioids
                                                                                 related causes that enrich that global
            planned the event with the help of local   themselves.
                                                                                 community. Other project partners
            experts, including Mid Shore Behavioral
                                               Shannon Dill, principal agent for the   include Mid Shore Behavioral Health,
            Health, Inc. “Farms are the backbone of   University of Maryland Extension, said,   Inc., Farming4Hunger, Caroline County
            our community, but our farmers are not
                                               “Healthy farms are successful farms. Th at   Health Department, Maryland Rural
            always getting the support they need,”
                                               doesn’t just mean having healthy soil,   Health Association, Eastern Shore
            said Kathryn Dilley, executive director
                                               crops, and animals, but healthy people   Mobile Crisis Response Team, Maryland
            of Mid Shore Behavioral Health. “Th is
                                               as well.” Dill noted that investing in farm   Coalition of Families, and the Jesse
            event will help farmers learn about
                                               workers’ wellbeing is an important part   Klump Memorial Fund.
            tools they can use to help their workers,
                                                C        awley Family Farm
                                                         awley Family Farm
                                                 At Cawley Family Farm you can cut your own
                                                tree, or have us cut it for you so you know you
                                                             are getting the freshest tree possible.
                                                                                    All our pre-cut tree are kept
                                                             VISIT OUR                 in water from arrival
                                                          TREE PAVILION               until you choose yours!

                                                           fresh              Netting, shaking , tree drilling,
                                                                               and carry carts are available.
                                                         wreaths,          24320 Willow Pond Rd,  Denton, MD
                                                                              410-479-4780  |  410-829-4781

                                                         Come early...tag the perfect tree!

                                                              Bring the entire family to begin

                                                               or continue a family tradition.

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