Page 11 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 11

for silicone chips and the impact the shortage is having on the   offer for a property with a trigger that puts it in motion. Th e
            automobile industry.                                trigger is pulled when a competing off er is submitted to the
                                                                seller that is greater than your offer that automatically increases

            This brings us to the $64,000 question, when will real estate

                                                                your offer to an amount greater than the other offer, say $1,000.

            prices stop going up? And the sister question to that question,

            once they do how far will values go down? If I knew the answer   A sure sign that real estate prices are leveling off is when houses
            to that question, I would be getting paid a lot more for my   stop selling at prices over the listing price. Not too long ago
            opinion than I am now. But I do have a few things to watch   it was considered a good sellers’ market if the sold price was
            out for that can be indicators of a slowdown or easing of price   90-95% of the list price. Today sold prices start at list price and
            increases.                                          go up from there. A strong indicator that demand is stronger
                                                                than supply.
            Multiple offers with escalation clauses have become prevalent in

            many areas of the country including ours, giving sellers options   This is much different than the overheated marker of the early
            to consider. When sellers have the luxury of considering several   2000’s when demand was strong because of the availability of

            offers on their property, they will obviously choose the one that   easy money, but there was a much larger supply of houses on
            nets the most money in the shortest period of time with the   the market, especially new construction subdivisions. Look
            least contingencies.                                around the Mid Shore, and especially Caroline County at the
                                                                number of new subdivisions that popped up in 2003 until
            Cash off ers attract the most attention, like they always have.   2008. Look at the prices that were being paid. It was like the

            Cash offers with an escalator clause stand out like a sore thumb   wild west with buyers coming from the western shore paying

            to sellers, and if you can make an offer like this the only way you   prices local people could not begin to pay.

            lose is if another offer is higher than yours, and it is for cash.
            Escalator clauses establish a buyer’s minimum and maximum
                     Queen Anne-Hillsboro Volunteer Fire Co.
                    Sportsman’s Bingo

                      Saturday, November 20

                     Doors Open & Silent Auction at 5 PM  / Games begin at 7 PM
                    Silent Auction  •  Pull Tabs  •  Raffles  •  50/50

                                                        Food and
                   Prizes include:           Non-Alcoholic  Drinks available
                   Guns                                   BYOB

                   Gear                  Non-Refundable Tickets:

                                         $35 in advance; $40 at the door
                   and more...           (seats are limited to ticket holders only)
                                         Advance ticket sales:
                           NICS check on site or contact:
                                         Brenda Murphy at 443-239-9573

                                        Ridgely Vol. Fire Dept. Engine Room
                          Location      101 Sunset Blvd., Ridgely           

              NOTICE: This event will comply with statewide COVID virus mandates in effect on November 20 regarding
              masks and social distancing.

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