Page 57 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 57

open Monday through Friday from    Special needs:  The Center can    therapeutic activities such as music and
            8AM-4PM. Folks often ask, “what is   accommodate special needs. For   exercise programs.  Caregivers, keep
            Medical Adult Day Care and what can   example, the Center is equipped   in mind that your loved one may need
            you do for me”? Caregivers oft en ask   to manage individuals who use   time to adjust to the experience of going

            when it is a good time to start Medical   wheelchairs, who are hearing or visually   to day care at first, however they oft en
            Adult Day Care and how will they know   impaired, or who are physically or   look forward to going aft er attending,
            if a loved one would benefi t. Likewise,   mentally challenged.      joining in activities, meeting people, and
            folks commonly proclaim not needing                                  forming relationships.
            “that service” yet because they are not   Behavior management: The Center
            old enough or sick enough. Well, if you   is prepared to manage behaviors   One thing we have learned throughout

            would benefit from health services such   associated with cognitive and   the pandemic is the importance of a
            as medical management, monitoring   intellectual deterioration.      healthy lifestyle. Being a caregiver can be
            of vital signs, help with medications,                               extremely rewarding, but it can also be
                                               Cost: For many attendees, the Center
            or all-over medical oversight, then yes,                             overwhelming. Caring for an individual
                                               off ers services on sliding scales where

            you would benefit from Medical Adult                                 can feel lonely and frustrating, so it is
                                               individuals pay according to ability or

            Day services. Medical Adult Day Care   income. In some cases, Medicaid covers   important to find time to take care of
            services will help you with physical and   cost for people with very low income   yourself. Consider these tips:
            social aspects of your healthy living   and few assets. Be sure to ask about   •  Ask for help when you need it.
            as well. You can get out of the house,                                   Reach out to family members and

                                               basic fees, and financial assistance with
            socialize with others, talk, exercise,                                   friends for help or contact local
                                               fees for services.
            go on trips, and partake in all types of                                 services for additional care needs.
            activities to keep your mind and body   Caregivers, we hope you are all doing   •  Take breaks each day. Try making

            healthy. The services at Medical Adult   well and remembering to practice self-  a cup of tea or calling a friend.
            Day Care include:                  care.  Remember, if you need help, call
                                                                                   •  Join a caregiver’s support group
                                               the Maryland 211 for assistance and
            Health services: At a Medical Adult Day   resources.  Additionally, 988 is a 24/7   online or in person. Meeting
            Care, health services include medical                                    other caregivers will give
                                               Emergency Mental Health Services and
            oversight. medication administration,                                    you a chance to share stories
                                               support resource.
            medical treatments, transportation                                       and ideas and can help keep
            from the Center to local medical   Benefits of Medical Adult Day Care    you from feeling isolated.

            appointments and referrals are off ered   Adult day care off ers benefits to both   Planning for holiday celebrations can be

            as staff provided medical assistance   caregivers needing help and adults   a stressful time especially while caring
            but not limited to the health services   who need oversight during the day.     for a family member or loved one with
            provided.                          Additionally, medical day care offers   medical concerns such as the elderly
                                               services under the direction of one’s

            Counseling: The Center can provide                                   with dementia.  The Caroline Medical
                                               primary physician and supervised by a
            support services for attendees and                                   Adult Day Care would like to share some
                                               registered nurse.
            their families. For example, caregivers                              information from NIH for caregivers,
            support group, case management, and   If you are a full-time caregiver, Adult   families, and friends concerning
            guidance on outside resources and   Day Center can provide a much-   preparations for the holidays as we
            supportive care.                   needed break. While a loved one is at   all are searching for ways to make the
                                               the Center, you’ll have time to rest, run   holiday season stress-free and enjoyable.
            Nutrition: The Center provides     errands or finish other tasks. If you   Holidays can be meaningful, enriching
            nutritious meals and snacks. The   find yourself feeling guilty, ask yourself   times for both the person with dementia

            Center also offers nutritional education   this, “If I wear myself out to the point   and his or her family. Maintaining or

            programs. Additionally, the Center can   of total exhaustion, what good will I be   adapting family rituals and traditions
            accommodate a special diet or provide   to my loved one?”If you are a caregiver   helps all family members feel a sense of
            a culturally specifi c menu.       that works during the day, Adult Day   belonging and family identity.
                                               Center can be very helpful as you try
            Personal care: The Center provides                                   However, when celebrations, special
                                               to balance a job with caregiving duties.
            help with hairstyling, toileting, eating,                            events, or holidays include many people,
                                               Hours of service for Adult Day Care are
            showering and other personal care   Monday through Friday, 8AM to 4PM.   this can cause confusion and anxiety
            tasks.                                                               for a person with dementia. He or she
                                               Meals and transportation are provided.
                                                                                 may find some situations easier and
            Activities: Daily activities may include
                                               Medical Adult Day Care provides a   more pleasurable than others. Th e tips
            music, art, recreation, outings, and   chance for adults to be social and to   below can help you and the person
            discussion and support groups.
                                               participate in staffed recreational and   with dementia visit and reconnect with

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