Page 55 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 55
I strongly recommend those who joy in family and faith! I hope a bit of
are not getting Extra Help to Enroll insight into these three tenets may set
in the Maryland Senior Prescription the tone for good will toward all our
Spot (SPDAP)This program is offered by fellow Caroline County residents during
Senior Drug Assistance Program for 2023.
this holiday season.
the state to help with prescription
drug premiums for individuals with a Kwanza in not a religious holiday,
it is a cultural one. Because it is not
maximum gross income of $3,398 per
Senior Moments religion based, people from all religious
by Mary Moran month, or $40,770 annually. Couples’ backgrounds celebrate the holiday. Th e
gross income maxes out at $4,578
410-829-2535 / 410-490-3078 philosophy promotes an understanding
month, or $54,930 annually. I strongly
of cultural heritage, family, and
It looks like we will be starting this urge those who qualify to apply for this community unity, and mutual support
column off with a correction from last program for two reasons. #1 is that it within those systems. Using a set of
month. So much for cut and paste from allows members to change Part “D” seven principles, Kwanza is based on
rough draft to finished product! Insulins prescription coverage one time per year the importance of traditional values
Delivered by Pump will Not be covered outside of open enrollment. Th is may to help set goals within the family and
at $35 per month until July of 2023. All be necessary to ensure insulin coverage
community units.
Covered Self-administered Insulin will in the new year. #2 is that during 2023
cost $35 per month for Medicare part SPDAP will pay up to $60 per month for Dr. Maulana Karenga, professor and
“D” beneficiaries starting January 1st. a member’s Medicare RX prescription chairman of Black Studies at California
Please note there will be limitations on drug plan premium. This gives us a State University, Long Beach, created
which insulins are covered. As in the bit of wiggle room if it is necessary to Kwanzaa in 1966. His goal was to bring
past, certain prescription drug plans switch plans to a more expensive plan the African American population
will cover specific insulins. The cost to meet your health and medical needs together as a community during the
should be lower for those receiving full going forward. The fastest way to enroll civil rights era. The rituals of the holiday
Extra Help. is to go online to www.marylandspdap. promote African Traditions. Kwanzaa is
com, or call Mary Moran at 410-479- derived from the phrase “matunda ya
SHIP has been notified that Ademelog,
2535 for a hard copy. kwanza” which means “first fruits” in
Afrezza, Apidra, Insulin Aspart, Insulin
Swahili. It is celebrated from December
Glargine-yfgn, Myxredin, and Semglee I am going to kick that can down 26th to January 1st.
will not be covered. If you take any of the road until January for now, and
these, be sure to contact your doctor instead will segue into something more During Kwanzaa, celebrants’ study,
today to adjust your diabetes medicine. entertaining for the Holidays! recall, and reflect on their individual
and group history. Together they
SHIP is awaiting updated info on part
December brings colder weather, as
“D” Insulin coverage and restrictions. explore the role they are to play as a
well as the fun of cultural and religious
When we know, you will know. legacy to the future. Since the family
celebrations and festivities! Kwanza,
is the basic social and economic center
Considering how this new pricing and Chanukah, and Christmas, offer us of every civilization, the celebration
coverage of insulin is coming down, all the opportunity for refl ection and
is intended to bond family members,
while reaffirming their commitment
TURNING 65? and responsibility to each other. Each
family celebrates Kwanzaa in its own
Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options? way, but celebrations often include
songs and dances, storytelling, poetry
Let Me Help You!
reading, and a large traditional meal.
Gifts represent the labor of the parents,
and are given to educate and enrich the
Anthony Insurance Services children, such as a book or piece of art.
Ann M. Anthony he central black Umoja candle. They
represent the struggles of the past,
but also represent self-determination,
Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans, cooperative economics, and creativity.
Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans, This year Chanukah (also spelled
Hanukkah) is celebrated from
Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance
Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 • nightfall on December 18 to Nightfall
on December 26. The Hebrew word
22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629
Chanukah means dedication. At the