Page 51 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 51

Tips For Reaching                and explored the impact suicide has   ations have happened in the past, it’s
                                               had on the community as a whole. Beth
                                                                                 okay. And there is hope. And there is an
             Out to Those Who                  Anne shared a concept that she and   opportunity to be able to talk through
                                               Lesa learned through their training by   whatever is happening,” she explained.
            Are Struggling With                Brené Brown as Dare To Lead© Program

             Suicidal Thoughts                 facilitators, “One of the things that Brené   Lesa shared, “My first invitation to you
                                                                                 all would be to acknowledge that every-
                                               says is that what we all need is human
                                               connection. Our brains are hardwired   one is going through something. We
               For All Seasons’ Community      for connection. And what we know is   don’t know what somebody is experienc-
                                                                                 ing behind closed doors . . . and to recog-
             Conversation About Suicide Pre-   that for each of us sitting in this room,   nize that everyone is not necessarily

             vention Offers Practical Tips For   when we peel away all the layers, what   living a good life, which is what things
             Reaching Out to Those Who Are     we want is to be seen, heard, and valued.   look like sometimes on Facebook and
            Struggling With Suicidal Thoughts  When one of those things is missing, it   other social media. It can look like this
                                               makes a diff erence.”
            At a recent community conversation,                                  picture-perfect place, when in reality,
            “Life is Better with You Here: A Commu-  “And so part of this conversation is about   sometimes we’re struggling and we just
            nity Conversation about Suicide Preven-  how can we, as a community, lean into   don’t know how to communicate that.”
            tion,” at the Avalon Th eatre in Easton,   the thought that if every single person   She explained that sometimes people
            CEO Beth Anne Langrell, Chief Clinical   who could start and end their day and   who struggle with suicide are afraid to

            Officer Lesa Lee, LCSW-C, and modera-  feel that they were seen and heard and   be seen struggling because they don’t
            tor Bruce Grove, QACTV, shared practi-  valued, imagine what our community   want anyone to know that they’re suff er-
            cal strategies and tips for reaching out to   would look like.”      ing and provided ways to communicate
            those who are struggling with suicidal   “Our job at For All Seasons is to help   with people when this happens. One of
            thoughts.                          you live your best life and to fi nd hope.   the tips she mentioned is paying atten-
            The conversation began with the    And the No Matter What … You Matter   tion and noticing changes in our loved
            acknowledgment that most people in   campaign is as simple as it sounds. We   ones’ behaviors – as an important fi rst
            the room had been impacted by suicide   want our community to be leaning into   step in suicide prevention.
            in some way, either directly or indirectly,   what is happening, no matter what situ-

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