Page 52 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 52
Beth Anne added the next step is asking the question, “How For help throughout Maryland and the United States Crisis
are you doing” and sticking around to listen to the answer, Hotline dial: 988.
and if you don’t get an answer, circling back with someone
later. She stated, “It’s our responsibility as a community, to be
responsible for our circle. Regarding suicide prevention, our Calvary Baptist Church
responsibility to one another is to ask the question, listen, and
then share the resources that we have within our community. 1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404
We’re all busy, we all have things that are going on, but we need
to find that time that you can connect with somebody who may
be struggling. . . And sometimes it’s about showing up more Don Reynolds, Pastor
than once – showing up time and again.” 10 AM Sunday Bible School – All ages
Lesa shared with the audience that asking about suicide does 11 AM Exciting Praise / Worship
Also, great Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)
not put the idea of suicide in someone’s head. Research shows
that asking the question is not going to cause somebody to 7 PM Sunday Evening Worship &
feel suicidal. She added, “And in fact, it often is a relief for the Children’s Class
person who is feeling suicidal, that they can maybe share that.” 7 PM Wednesday Bible Studies
For people suffering from suicidal thoughts, Lesa off ered, “We Let us Always Be Found Faithful
want to offer hope that there is a way and that we can help with
pain and suffering. Because no one wants to live in that space.
There is a way and you might have to try several clinicians Atlantic Paving & Concrete
because there will be somebody there that can help you.”
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Beth Anne concluded, “So the more we talk about it, and the Asphalt • Concrete
more we share about what is happening, the more that we
recognize that we’re not alone in the conversation – the better Grading • Snow Removal
we can address this issue.”
MHIC MD#85409 Licensed, Bonded, Insured
If you or someone you know needs help, reach out. For help DE#2002110154 Office: 410-479-4477
throughout Eastern Shore, call For All Seasons 24-Hour Crisis 10025 Miller Rd, Mobile: 240-417-2033
Hotline: Text: 410-829-6143 I English: 410-820-5600 I Español: Denton, MD FAX: 410-479-3877
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