Page 56 - December 2022 Issue.indd
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heart of the festival is the nightly menorah lighting. The
menorah is a seven branched candelabra lamp which was
originally used in the Great Temple in Israel. SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC
Chanukah is the traditional eight day festival of lights. It Marti Wright • Owner
is celebrated with nightly menorah lighting, saying special Independent Insurance Broker
prayers, and eating special foods. Fried foods, to commemorate
the miracle of the oil, are front and center in traditional holiday Over 25 Years Experience with
meals! On each of the eight nights of Chanukah, brief blessings Medicare Supplement Insurance
are recited, then Jewish people light an additional candle on
the menorah, then sing traditional songs aft erwards. Th is Phone: (410) 443-1169
celebration continues until on the eighth night all candles Email:
are burning brightly. The lighting takes place near a doorway
or window. In the United States, the lighting of candles also is expected to perform charitable works with a portion of
takes place publicly in Temples, and a National Menorah is lit
their winnings.
in Washington, DC. each year.
There are many Christmas traditions in the United States that
Chanukah is the festival that marks the miraculous victory Americans share. Trimming the Christmas tree with treasured
over the occupying Syrian-Greeks who tried to force the
ornaments, hanging mistletoe, singing Christmas carols, and
people of Israel to accept Greek Culture, abandon their belief
driving around looking at our neighborhoods dressed up for
in God by worshiping Greek idols, and give up their religious
the season with bright lights and an assortment of fun lawn
observances. The Seleucidan Greek occupiers converted the
ornaments are traditions beloved by young and old! Who
Holy Temple into a place of idol worship by building an alter can resist our favorite seasonal foods, the aroma of freshly
to Zeus and sacrificing pigs there. Th ey defiled the holy oil baked cookies and delicacies lovingly prepared, or the sweet
used to light the Temple menorah.
taste of eggnog and apple cider? We all enjoy supporting
In 139 BCE Judah the Maccabee and a small band of poorly our local economies by indulging in the fun of fi nding, and
armed Jewish freedom fighters defeated one of the mightiest wrapping, that perfect gift for friends and family, or perhaps,
armies on earth and drove the Greeks from the land. Aft er for someone less fortunate. It is a time when the Santa Secret
recapturing Jerusalem’s Holy Temple, the liberators searched is to be kept with our little ones, and the joy of simply being
for pure oil to rededicate the Temple to the service of God, but alive is indulged and appreciated. Christmas is the one time
only found a single cruse that had escaped contamination by during the year when we all understand the importance of
the Greeks. This was enough to burn for one day. Miraculously, forgiving each other for being human, and for doing our part
it burned for eight days until new oil could be prepared under to make peace in our part of the world a reality. It is a time to
conditions of ritual purity! Therefore, Chanukah lights are step away from our daily struggles and toils…it is the time for
sacred. gratitude for our blessings.
After the Victory, the Jews melted down the Greek coins with Most importantly, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of
pagan deities or their leaders on them. They made new coins the Jesus Christ.
with Jewish symbols and gave them as gifts to celebrate their The Caroline Senior Center wishes everyone Happy Holidays!!
Religious and economic independence. The Jewish custom December brings lots of exciting activities for the Center
was to give Chanukah gelt (money) rather than presents
including a Santa Ceramic Planter craft, Holiday Bingo, Hot
to children during this festival. Gelt money celebrates the
Cocoa Bar, Homemade Christmas Cards, Snowman Candle
freedom, and mandate, to channel material wealth toward
Craft, Glitter Pinecone Garland Craft, Healthy Coaching w/
spiritual purposes. For example, if a poor man does not have
Tyrell, Building Gingerbread Houses, PJ’s, and Breakfast and
enough money to buy both Chanukah candles and ceremonial to end the month with a New Year’s Eve Potluck Luncheon.
wine, the widespread custom of giving gelt enables the poor For more information about any of the activities listed, please
to get the candles without feeling shame. This practice also contact the Caroline Senior Center.
includes donating 10% to charity, and gelt giving is considered
an opportunity to teach children these values of charity and Medical Adult Day Care
serving God with one’s gain. It also led to the educational toy,
the dreidel!
by Carole Friend LMSW
On Hanukkah it is customary to play with a “dreidel”, a four The Medical Adult Day Care would like everyone to know
sided spinning top bearing Hebrew letters, nun, gimmel, hei,
the facility is currently accepting new participants; to fi nd
and shin. Theses are an acronym for “nes gadol hayah Sha”,
information about the Center, one can visit us online at www.
meaning “a great miracle happened there”. The game is usually and follow the Medical Adult Day Service
played for coins, nuts, or other treats, and is won or lost based
drop-down. Or better yet, visit us at the Center located in
on which letter the dreidel lands on. The child who wins gelt
the HAPS Building on 7th Street in Denton. The Center is