Page 24 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 24
From mastering collage techniques to eagerly anticipated exhibition celebrates
exploring the mesmerizing world of the creativity and passion of young
encaustics, there’s something uniquely artists, offering a captivating glimpse
special waiting for you. Don’t miss out into the vibrant world of student artistry.
on this opportunity to learn, create,
From vibrant paintings to intricate
and be inspired by Marcie’s innovative
sculptures, explore a diverse selection
approach to art.
Caroline County of artworks curated by our dedicated
Council of Arts Classes & Events arts instructors. Each piece represents
the unique perspectives and artistic
The Foundry Collage & Mixed Media: Animals and journeys of the talented students from
Nature our local community.
April 4-6 from 5:30-8 PM.Experience
featuring artists in Caroline County the liberating world of mixed media as The opening reception on April 12
you experiment with materials to create promises to be a memorable event, fi lled
401 Market Street, Denton
unique collages inspired by animals and with excitement and creativity. Meet
Wed. – Fri., Noon - 5; Sat., 10-3
nature. Led by Marcie Wolf-Hubbard, the young artists behind the artworks,
this hands-on class welcomes all skill engage with their creative process, and
Upcoming Arts Events in levels. Dress for mess. $25/class. show your support for their remarkable
Caroline County achievements.
Encaustic & Mixed Media Painting
View our upcoming Calendar of Events April 11-13 from 5:30-8 PM. Curious Admission to the exhibition is free,
and register for classes online at www. about Encaustic (hot wax) Painting? and select artwork will be available for Explore encaustics in this three-day purchase to support budding artists on
class, which includes painting and their creative endeavors. Don’t miss this
Marcie Wolf-Hubbard (Silver Spring) collage with wax, fusing, carving into opportunity to witness the boundless
Join us for an unforgettable artistic jour- wax, and experimenting with tech- creativity of Caroline County’s youth
ney with the incredibly talented Marcie niques. You can up-cycle art (drawings, and celebrate the power of artistic
Wolf-Hubbard. Inside, we’ve got all the prints, photos) if you like. $99.99/3-day expression!
exciting details about Marcie’s capti- course.
vating classes happening this month. Our Partnership with Peachblos-
Spring Mosaic Magic: Craft Your som Homeschool
Own Unique Birdfeeder Garden Art
April 27 from 3:30-5:30. Delve into the We’re thrilled to announce our partner-
art of drilling through ceramic dishes, ship with Peachblossom Homeschool!
explore adhesive techniques, master the Get ready for fantastic art classes for
arrangement of garden sculptures, and parents, and we’re excited to be part of
get creative with crafting “garden bugs” their art lessons too! Let’s make creativ-
from recycled silverware and dishes. ity bloom together.
$30+$5 for materials.
Join us on April 17, 11 AM - 1 PM at Th e
Write On! Foundry, for our parent Garden Sculp-
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30-8 PM. Via tures class. Led by artist Joanne Gelles,
Zoom, join local legend Keith Shaff er unleash your creativity craft ing Cement
for a fun, upbeat writing class where Garden Sculptures under the open sky
participants choose their own writing at The Foundry. Materials provided!
methods and share their stories with a Connect with fellow parents and create
different topic each session. This is an something special. $30.
adults-only writing class. Participation
American Legion Caroline Post 29
is free.
9238 Legion Rd, Denton CCCA Mini Grants
Featured show “CCPS High School
Doors open at 5 PM Student Art Exhibition Apply now! Deadlines are rolling. Appli-
Games start at 7:30 PM Opening reception is April 12 from 4-6 cations must be received a minimum
/DUJH -$&.3276 PM at The Foundry. Admission is free of 60 days before the event/project is
planned to begin.
/DUJH 3$<2876 (donations welcome).
Join us for an extraordinary showcase
For more information, call the
of artistic talent from Caroline County’s
Legion at 410-479-2708
high and middle school students. Th is