Page 28 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 28

(FACES) Fiber Arts                lute passion is to teach beginner quilters   be teaching a combination of crochet
                                               and she enjoys watching her students   stitches to form patterns. Students will
                 Center of the                 improve their quilting skills. Come see   quickly advance to complete a project of

                 Eastern Shore                 this lovely Irish quilter’s wonderful quilt   their own choosing.
                                               display. You’ll be in for such a treat!

                                                                                 This class will fill up so be sure to contact
                7 N. 4th St., Denton, MD
                                               Colette’s Motto: “I am not a perfectionist   Alice at 410-490-2087 for class supplies
                                               but I do strive for excellence!”  and to sign up today!
                                                  Back by Popular Demand -        Harriet Tubman Stitching Stories
                 An Evolution of Quilts:           Barn Block Painting Class
                    Colette Metcalf                                                    of Freedom Quilt Class
                                               April 18, 9 AM – 4  PM. Cost: $100
             Through May 11 – Weds., Thurs.,                                     April 5, May 3, May 31, June 28, July
                                               Members/ $110 Non Members.
               Fri. and Saturdays, 12-4 PM                                       27, August 23, Sept. 21, Oct 18. Time:
                                               Instructor: Victoria McConnell.
                                                                                 10 AM– 2:00 PM. Cost: $120 Members,

            The Fiber Arts Center is pleased to intro-  The Fiber Arts Center is once again   $130 Non Members. Pattern cost: $20.
            duce our next quilt exhibitor, Colette   offering this fun class where you will   Tubman panel cost: $20. Instructor:
            Metcalf! Colette has been quilting since   actually design, paint and take home   Kay Butler.

            the 1980’s and is a prolific and talented   your very own original Barn Block to
            quilter and teacher. She loves to make all   hang on your barn, house, fence, etc.  Any other questions, class supply list or
            types of genres of quilts and is particu-                            to sign up, call Kay Butler 410-829-5136
            larly fond of hand embroidery. She is   Contact Victoria to sign up and for   or email:
            always looking for new techniques to   discussion of barn quilt design at
            incorporate into her quilting classes. She   410-253-9716 .              Sunfl ower/Poinsettia Class
            presently shares her quilting knowledge   Beginning Crochet
            with other quilting friends at the Christ                            April 12, 10 AM– 3 PM. Cost: Members
            Episcopal Church in Cambridge and   April 3, April 17, May 1 and May 15,   $40/Non Members $50. Instructor:
            teaches a group called “Th e Dorches-  10 AM - Noon. Cost: $40 Members/$50   Colette Metcalf.

            ter Samplers”. There they make charity   Non Members                 Students will complete a beautiful
            quilts, baby quilts, hospice quilts, quilts                          sunflower or poinsettia quilt using the

                                               Class Description: In this beginner
            for veterans and pillowcases. Her abso-                              Dresden Plate method.
                                               crochet class, instructor Alice Engle will
                                                                                 You may choose between three sizes
                                                                                 of quilts to render your project.
                                                                                 Teacher, Colette Metcalf, will provide
              Perfect Touch                                                      the template needed for the project If
                                                                                 you have further questions call Colette
                                                                                 Metcalf at 443-515-0491.

                                                                                 Please call Kay Butler for supply list,
                                                                                 more information, or to sign up at
                Hair Design
                                               ALL-NATURAL COMPOST                     Improv Star Quilt Class
                1143 Shore Hwy. Denton                                                    With Alice Kish
                                                   Mulch  –  Millings
                      Ann Draper &                                               May 4, 9:30-3:30. Cost is $40 for
                 Lisa Young (Murray), Stylist             Stone                  Members/$50 Non Members.
             Over 30 years combined experience
                                                    Wholesale and Retail         Improv stars uses a slash and sew tech-
                                                      Delivery Available         nique that makes each set of stars diff er-
                                                                                 ent but alike. Accent strips are inserted
                 Appointments Appreciated       Saturday and Sunday 9-6,         and each set shines on its own. This
                    Walk-Ins Welcome            Weekdays by appt                 class is a great introduction to improv
                                                                                 piecing and the result is a fun,lively quilt
                Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.  22395 Hog Creek Rd             whether you use solids or your favorite
                Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon   Preston, MD                      prints.
                                                410-652-6348                     Please call Kay Butler at 410-829-5136
                                                    for supply list or to sign up for this class.

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