Page 30 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 30

How to Obtain                  and potential for overdose. In recent   What is Naloxone?
                                               years, fentanyl has posed an even greater   Naloxone, commonly known by its
                 Naloxone and                  risk, contributing to over 80% of over-  brand name Narcan®, is a prescription

                 Respond to a                  dose deaths in Maryland. Fentanyl is 50   medication designed to swift ly reverse
                                               times stronger than heroin and is oft en   opioid overdoses by restoring breathing.
              Suspected Opioid                 mixed undetectably into other street   It is a simple and safe medication that
                                               drugs. Anyone who uses illicit drugs   can be administered by almost anyone,
                    Overdose                   like heroin, cocaine, crack, and pills even   making it a crucial intervention in emer-
                                               occasionally is at risk of experiencing a   gency situations.
            Understanding how to recognize and   potentially fatal overdose.
                                                                                 How can I obtain Naloxone?
            respond to opioid overdose is para-
                                               Access to overdose reversal medication   The Caroline County Health Depart-
            mount for saving lives. Opioids are a
                                               like naloxone, coupled with education   ment in Denton is one of many public
            group of drugs that include heroin and
                                               and awareness, is crucial in mitigating   Overdose Response Programs located
            prescription medications like oxyco-
                                               the devastating consequences of opioid   throughout Maryland. Overdose
            done, hydrocodone, morphine, fentanyl,
                                               and fentanyl misuse.              Response Programs are government
            and methadone. Opioids pose a signifi -
                                                                                 agencies and community-based orga-
            cant risk due to their addictive nature
                                                                                 nizations that are authorized to provide
                                                                                 overdose education and dispense nalox-
                                                                                 one to the community. Anyone over the
                                                                                 age of 18 may obtain Naloxone in person
                                                                                 at the Caroline County Health Depart-
                                                                                 ment during business hours (8:00 AM to
                                                                                 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday). Our
                                                                                 prevention staff  also conducts training
                                                                                 sessions for individuals, families, and
               RESIDENTIAL · COMMERCIAL · CONSTRUCTION                           businesses on how to use Naloxone.
                                                                                 Please call 410-479-1882 for more infor-
                                                                                 mation or to schedule a training session.
                 OUR FLAT                   DELMARVA’S                           Additionally, naloxone may be available
                  SPECIALS                                 TRUSTED               in local pharmacies and can often be
                                                          ROLL OFF               billed to insurance or Medicaid.
                                                        DUMPSTER                 What are the common signs of an

                                                           RENTALS               opioid overdose?
                                                                                 Signs of an opioid overdose may include
                                                                                 loud snoring, blue lips or fi ngertips, pale
              DAMAGE-FREE DELIVERY                                               or gray skin color, unresponsiveness,
                                                                                 limpness in the body, shallow breathing,
                                (or we make it right!)                           and a slow or stopped heartbeat. Th ese
              GUARANTEED!                                                        signs may vary from person to person,
                                                                                 and the severity of symptoms can change
                                                                                 over time.

                                                                                 How do I respond to a suspected
                                                                                 opioid overdose?
                                                                                 When encountering a suspected opioid
                                                                                 overdose, it’s crucial to respond quickly

                                                                                 and eff ectively. The following steps can
                                                                                 guide your response:
                                                                                   •  Rouse & Stimulate: Attempt to
               VARIETY OF SIZES AVAILABLE!                                            wake the individual by calling
                                                                                      their name loudly and gently
                                                                                      stimulating them.
                                                                                   •  Call 911: Seek emergency medi-
     · 410-479-4248                                        cal assistance immediately.
                                                                                   •  Administer Naloxone: Follow the
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