Page 34 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 34
Tips, Classes and
H ealth C orner Programs to help
you live healthier!
12 to April 9, from 1 to 4 PM. To be • A sore or irritation in the mouth
eligible, you must be age 65 or older, or throat that doesn’t go away
be uninsured, or underinsured (have
• Red or white patches, pain,
health insurance that does not cover
tenderness or numbness in
Additional COVID Vaccine COVID-19 vaccination). To make an mouth or lips
Recommended for Older Adults appointment, call 410-479-8000.
• Lumps, rough spots, eroded
and Immune Compromised
If you aren’t sure if you should get a areas, loose teeth
spring COVID-19 vaccination, please
• Diffi culty chewing, swallowing,
contact your primary care provider to
On February 28, the Centers for speaking, or moving your jaw or
discuss your health history and their
Disease Control and Prevention tongue
released a new COVID-19 vaccine • A change in the way your teeth
recommendation. Older adults and fit together when you close your
those with compromised immune April is Oral Cancer mouth
systems should get an additional shot Awareness Month!
• Painless lump or swelling in the
this spring.
Submitted by Leigh Marquess, RN, neck
The recommendation was made Wellness Promotions, CCHD
because older adults and those with Risk Factors:
already compromised immune systems More than 58,450 men and women • Drinking alcohol in excess
continue to be the groups most likely to in the USA will be diagnosed with • Tobacco use
become severely ill due to COVID-19. Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer
this year according to Th e American • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Individuals ages 65 and older should Cancer Society. 12,230 people will die infection
wait at least four months following of this disease. A regular oral cancer • Poor diet
their last dose of COVID-19 vaccine. examination by your oral health
Those with conditions that compromise professional remains the best method • Exposure to sunlight for long
their immune systems can receive to detect oral cancer in its early stages. periods of time
the additional dose two months aft er Measures to prevent oral cancer:
their last dose. You can get any kind of Be mindful of early symptoms!
COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of what • Don’t use tobacco in any form. If
Your mouth is one of the body’s most
your previous shot was. you do, quit!
important early warning systems. It
• Limit alcohol intake
Th e Caroline County Health is important to be aware of the signs
Department will off er Moderna and symptoms listed below and to see • Protect yourself from the sun,
COVID-19 vaccinations by a dental professional if they do not especially between 10 a.m. and 4
appointment on Tuesdays from March improve or disappear after two weeks: p.m. Use SPF 30 sunscreen.
• Always use lip balm with SPF 30
• Truck/Bus Drivers • Gat vaccinated against HPV if
• Basic Med for Pilots eligible.
• Coast Guard for Boaters • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables!
• Pre-Op for Upcoming Surgery • Have an oral cancer screening
by your dentist during regular
Board Certified check-ups.
Occupational Medicine
For more information:
C.E. Jensen, MD
Denton, MD 410-924-8560