Page 37 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 37

thoughts and ask questions with-   sible drinking habits and avoid   communication and employing these
               out fear of judgment. By actively   glamorizing alcohol. By model-  strategies, we can collectively work
               listening, you can address their   ing a healthy relationship with   towards preventing underage drinking
               concerns and tailor your conversa-  alcohol, you provide a positive   and ensuring the well-being of our
               tions to meet their specifi c needs.  example for your child to follow.  future generations.
              3. Know the Facts: Stay informed   6. Utilize Teachable Moments:
                                                                                 Do you need additional resources to
               about the latest statistics and    Capitalize on real-life situations
                                                                                 talk with your child about alcohol or
               research on underage drink-        or media portrayals of alcohol-

                                                                                 drug use? The Caroline County Health
               ing. Arm yourself with accurate    related incidents to initiate
                                                                                 Department’s Prevention Offi  ce  can
               information to dispel myths and    discussions. Use these moments
                                                                                 help. Contact Prevention Coordinator
               misconceptions. Presenting the     as opportunities to discuss
                                                                                 Shelly Niehaus at shelly.niehaus@
               facts can help your child under-   the potential risks and conse-
                                                                        or 410-479-1882.
               stand the potential consequences   quences of underage drinking.
               of alcohol consumption on
                                                7. Encourage Peer Support:
               their health, academic perfor-
                                                  Emphasize the importance of
               mance, and overall well-being.
                                                  surrounding oneself with posi-
              4. Set Clear Expectations: Estab-   tive influences. Encourage your

               lish clear rules regarding alcohol   child to build friendships with
               consumption and make sure your     peers who share similar values
               child understands the conse-       and discourage risky behaviors,        Second Saturdays
               quences of breaking these rules.   including underage drinking.
                                                                                          of every month
               Consistency is key, as it reinforces
               the importance of responsible de-  Alcohol Awareness Month provides      Goldsboro Vol. Fire Co.
               cision-making and accountability.  a valuable opportunity for parents to   700 Old Line Road
              5. Lead by Example: Children oft en   actively engage with their children   Food available from 7 AM until.
               emulate the behavior of their   and promote a culture of responsibility   For more information, call
               parents. Demonstrate respon-    and understanding. By fostering open        302-270-1948.

                              REMINDER - SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

                                         2024                                          EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES
                                                                                         CAROLINE COUNTY
                         Caroline County Emergency Medical Services                     AMBULANCE
                                                                                        SUBSCRIPTION PLAN

                           SUBSCRIPTION PLAN

                            ENROLL ONLINE AT  CAROLINEDES.ORG
                   You may also subscribe using the enrollment packet that was mailed to all Caroline County households. If you have   Count on us when it counts the most...
                 questions about the plan or would like to request on enrollment pocket, please call 410-479-8140 or visit
                               If you have an emergency, please dial 911.

                  2024 RA
                  2024 RATES                Individual: $25   |    Family of 2: $45   |    Family of 3 or More: $75
                                            Business Plans: Up to 10 Employees: S100   |    11-25 Employees: $150   |    25 + Employees: $200
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