Page 23 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 23
Pickleball: Pickleball has become the ride through the park and nearby low
fastest growing sport in America! Come traffi c roads.
join us for two hours of drop-in game
time. This program is perfect for adults Evening Cycle: Cycle ten miles on
of all ages and skill levels. Come learn a country roads near the parks. Meet
new sport! Equipment is provided. On at the Martinak State Park Offi ce on
Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10 Tuesday, September 12 and 26, at 5:30
AM. Call Caroline County Recreation PM and on Tuesday, September 5,
and Parks for more details and to regis- and 19, at the Tuckahoe State Park
ter at 410-479-8120. Lake Parking Lot at 5:30 PM. Helmet
required. Lights, water, spare tube, and
tools are also suggested. Ride speed is
approximately 10 mph, and there will Play BINGO
Caroline Cycles: On Th ursday, Friday, be a leader in the front and a sweeper
and Saturday September 14, 15, and 16 in the back. This is a good ride for EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT
at 10:30 AM Caroline Cycles will meet those new to road cycling or those
to ride the C&O Canal and the Western who enjoy a slower paced ride. Text or American Legion Caroline Post 29
Maryland Rail Trail. Riders must have call 410-924-7402 to register for this 9238 Legion Rd, Denton
a helmet. Lights, water, spare tube, tools free ride. Join this social group with a Doors open at 5 PM
and a trail bike are also suggested. Ride cycling problem! Games start at 7:30 PM
speed is approximately 8-10 mph. For /DUJH -$&.3276
more information and to register, call Check our website for more park
410-924-7402. activities by clicking on the calendar /DUJH 3$<2876
of events. For more information, call
Easy Breezy Ride: Borrow bikes 410-820-1668 or email karen.gianni- For more information, call the
from the Martinak State Park Nature Legion at 410-479-2708
Center on Thursdays at 11:30 AM on
September 7 and 28 for an easy guided
MD State Inspections
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