Page 26 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 26

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                  by Carolyn Al-Ghusbi

                     Library Hours             random draw for a gift card! Art will   Nathalia - Bilingual Music for

                                               be on display from October 1 - October        Families
            Monday - Wednesday: 10 AM - 6 PM                                     Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
            Thursday: Noon - 8 PM              September 1-27, all ages, all     with music! Nathalia will perform a

            Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM             branches                          concert for children and families at
            FEDERALSBURG BRANCH                   Cricut Basics – Make a Card!   St. Luke’s UMC in Denton on Friday,
            Monday, Wednesday, and Th ursday:                                    September 29 at 1 PM. A native of
            10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM          Learn the basics of using a Cricut to   Columbia, Nathalia’s creative bilingual
            Friday: CLOSED                     make a simple insert card! Bring your   approach to songwriting has made
                                               own Cricut and fine-point blade or   her a prominent voice in the world
                                               use ours.                         of children’s music. She has been a
            Monday, Tuesday, Th ursday:                                          featured guest on Univision’s Despierta
            10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM          September 12 at 6 PM, adults,     America, CBS’s The Talk, and her
            Friday: CLOSED
                                               Federalsburg Branch.              music has been played on a number
                                                                                 of parenting blogs and online radio
            Visit us upstairs during renovations   September 21 at 2pm, adults,
            for public computers, print, scan, and   North County Branch, Greensboro  stations.
            fax services, and a small browsing                                   Groups of five or more who wish to
            collection. Th e fi rst floor of the central   Federalsburg Chess Club   attend must contact the library prior

            library will continue to be closed for                               to the program.
                                               Whether you’re new to the game
            construction. For more information,
                                               or an old pro, join us every second
            visit                                            *Parking at St. Luke’s is accessible from
                                               Thursday to play a few matches, learn

                                                                                 Franklin Street.
                                               new moves, and discuss strategy with

                                               our staff. Snacks are provided; all ages   September 29, 1 PM, children and
                Tiny Art Show Kit Pickup
                                               and ability levels are welcome!   families, St. Luke’s UMC, Denton.
            Stop by each library branch to pick   September 14, 4 PM, all ages,
            up your Tiny Art Kit. Submit your                                               Book Clubs
                                               Federalsburg Branch.
            completed artwork by September 27,
                                                                                 Read and discuss the book that all
            and your name will be entered into a                                 of Maryland is reading at a book
                                                                                 discussion group!
                                                                                 The selected book for 2023 is There
                                                                                 There by Tommy Orange. Released
                                                                                 in 2018,  There There tells the
                                                                                 interconnected stories of a cast of
                                                                                 twelve Native characters from across
                                                                                 generational lines, as they converge
                                                                                 toward the Big Oakland Powwow.
                                                                                 Together, the stories give a riveting
                                                                                 portrait of the urban Indian experience.
                                                                                 Join a book discussion to explore this
                                                                                 unique book of complex characters
                                                                                 and stories.

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