Page 24 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 24

Caroline CASA                   “I’m excited to be a part of this organization in whatever
                                                                capacity they feel I can make a difference”, said Mr. Buesgens.

                             Court Appointed Special Advocate   “Working at the case level to help children and families is my
                                                                real passion. I’m eager to get to work and get to know the
                                by Amy Horne, Executive
                                                                existing cases and volunteers”, he added.
                                Director, CASA of Caroline
                                                                CASA of Caroline’s mission is to recruit and train volunteers
            CASA of Caroline is thrilled to announce the addition of a   to advocate for the best interests of children who’ve been
            dedicated Advocate Supervisor to its team. On August 1, Peter   abandoned or removed from their homes due to abuse and/or
            Buesgens of Goldsboro joined the CASA of Caroline staff .     neglect. All interested volunteers must complete an application,
            Mr. Buesgens brings a wealth of knowledge and experience,
            having worked in Child Protective Services in Caroline County,
            Howard County, and Baltimore County before becoming
            Assistant Director of Talbot County Social Services and
            ultimately Director of Worcester County Social Services until
            his retirement in 2016.

            “We could not be more pleased with the selection of Mr.
            Buesgens to fi ll this much-needed role in our organization!”,
            said Amy Horne, Executive Director. She recounted that Pete
            applied to be a CASA volunteer in April. He successfully
            completed the pre-service training class and was sworn in as
            an advocate by Judge Price on June 6th. “However”, said Horne,
            “I knew our program had grown to the point of needing a
            dedicated Advocate Supervisor and based on his demeanor
            and the skill-level I observed in the training class, I knew he
            would be a bigger asset in that role than as a volunteer. Luckily,
            he agreed!”  According to Horne, Mr. Buesgens will be working
            directly with the volunteers to provide case planning and   Pictured left to right: Volunteer Jack Kirk: Advocate

            supervision to support the highest level of advocacy possible.    Supervisor Pete Buesgens; Amy Horne, Executive Director
                                                                of Caroline CASA; Keith Johnson, CASA BOD President;
                                                                and Victor Reynolds, Outreach and Communications

                                                                        NYC BUS TRIP

                                                                           Saturday, December 9

                                                                  Please arrive at 5:30 am at Denton Walmart parking lot.
                                                                  Buses leave at 6 am sharp. Cost is $95 person. Drop off in
                                                                 NY in Broadway area. There is temporary parking available
                                                                  for us to unload. Some walking may be involved depend-
                                                                 ing on the activities you have planned. Pick up will be at 6
                                                                  pm at same location as arrival. Please arrive back to the
                                                                   bus location at 5:30 pm to be back on the bus by 6 pm.

                                                                      Questions:  Please contact Angie Cowgill at
                                                                      410-829-6084. Payment is through Paypal or
                                                                       call Angie if need to pay another method.

                                                                       All money raised from this fundraiser will go
                                                                        towards educational travel for non-profit
                                                                           Children Exploration Organization

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