Page 25 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 25

interview, and background check prior
            to beginning the 30-hour pre-service   His Hope Ministries Presents

            training program. The training class is
            spread out over several weeks and it
            covers the signs of abuse and neglect,
            factors that contribute to abuse and
            neglect, how to write a court report,
            and other topics that are necessary for

            effective child advocacy.
            The next training class will begin on
            Monday, October 2. If you are interested
            in enrolling in the class or learning
            more about the CASA program, please
            attend our informational session on
            Monday, September 18 at Th e Wharves
            of Choptank Visitors Center from 5:30-
            6:30. Light refreshments will be served.     Sunday, October 8
            Or you can visit the CASA website
            at for more                 Goldsboro Volunteer Fire Company
            information and an application. Join
            us and learn how you can “Change a                700 Line Road – Goldsboro, MD
            Child’s Story”!
                                                    Doors open at 11:30 AM  –  Games begin at 2 PM
            The Governor’s Office of Crime Control &
            Prevention funded this project under sub-award   $30 per person in advance, $35 at th door
            number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063.   Ticket includes a 20 game pack and 1 door price ticket
            All points of view in this document are those of
            the author and do not necessarily represent the   DOOR PRICES  •  50/50

            official position of any State or Federal Agency.

            This project is supported by a grant from the   RAFFLES  •  SPECIAL GAMES
            Maryland Judiciary’s Administrative Offi  ce of the
                                                  TRICKY TRAY  •  BAKE TABLE
            Courts number AOC-G20CA0225I.
                                                            Food provided by GVFC

                                                                           For advance tickets or more
                                                                           information call: Joanna Reedy
                                                                           at 302-270-1948 or Anne
                            Denton                                         Chouinard at 410-310-8687


                                                          Bring a donation of a non-perishable food item
              Denton Rotary Club Meetings                 for the local food pantry and you will receive
             are held Wednesdays from                     ONE FREE RAFFLE TICKET!
             Noon to 1:00 PM at the Caroline              or bring wish list items and receive one free
             Culinary Center 512 Franklin                 raffle ticket: paper towels, toilet paper, Lysol
             St. Denton, MD 21629. Come                   wipes, dish soap, laundry soap, coffee, coffee
             join us for a free lunch and fi nd
             out about the exciting “Service              cups, water, sugar, tea bags, deodorant, hand
             Projects” the club is working on.            sanitizer.
             For more information, contact
             Charlie Huber 410-479-2070               Proceeds to benefit His Hope MInistries in Denton, MD.  They
                   provide emergency shelter and are committed to providing
                                                        assistance and ending homelessness in the community.

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