Page 30 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 30

The Truth About                 United States; and finally, that in the   its interests must lie in exploiting all who
                                               Free State of Maryland—happily a part   labor on the farm as well as in the mill
                FDR in Denton                  of the Union—the Flag, the Constitution   and the mine.
                                               and the President are still as welcome as
                                                                                 But at the same time all over the country
                     by Chad Dean              in all of the other forty-seven States of   the unity of interest of all common men
                                               the Union.
                                                                                 and women—warm-hearted, simple

                                               The second, and the original reason for   men and women, willing to live and
            This September 5th marks the 85th
                                               my coming here is also related to the   let live, whether in factory or on farm-
            anniversary of President Franklin
                                               unity of this Nation.             grows steadily more evident. Clearer
            Delano Roosevelt visiting Caroline
                                                                                 every day is the one great lesson of
            County. While that is true, and I grant   Unthinking people may believe that
            you it is a rare occurrence when a major   the first Monday in September-Labor   history—the lesson taught by the Master

            politician steps foot on Delmarva, there   Day—is set aside in special honor of   of Galilee- that the only road to peace
            are a few things I would like to clarify   those who work at a trade in mills and   and the only road to a happier and better
            about that day in 1938:            factories and railroads and mines. But   civilization is the road to unity-the road
                                               that is a narrow interpretation, for this   called the "Highway of Fellowship."
            1. FDR gave a speech in front of the
            courthouse in Denton. I have included   day belongs just as much to those who   But as this community of interest
            a picture of him in full oratorical fl ight as   work with head and hand on the farms.   becomes apparent to those who live
            well as one of the small                                                           on farm and in city,
            monument on the                                                                    the strategy of the
            Market Street sidewalk                                                             cold-blooded few to
            where he delivered it.                                                             divide and conquer,
            Here, presented for the                                                            to make common
            first time by any native                                                           men blind to their

            Caroline historian for                                                             common interests,
            public review, is the full                                                         becomes more active.
            text of his speech:                                                                Class conscious itself,
                                                                                               just because it does
            Co n g r e s s m a n                                                               conceive its interest
            G o ldsb o r o u g h ,                                                             to be opposed to the
            Congressman Lewis,                                                                 interest of all other
            ladies and gentlemen:                                                              people, that small
                                                                                               minority is deliberately
            This is Labor Day. For                                                             t r y i ng  to  c r e ate

            two reasons, which I                                                               prejudice between this
            think you will approve,                                                            and that group of the
            I have accepted the                                                                common people of
            invitation of your                                                                 America—to create a
            Congressman to come                There is no distinction between those   new class feeling among people like

            to the Eastern Shore of Maryland today.
                                               who run farms or work on farms and   ourselves, who instinctively are not class
            The first reason for coming here is to   those who work in industry. For you   conscious.
            give you and me a chance to reestablish   and I well know that most of the people
            a fact which we thought was long   in cities have come there comparatively   You in the State of Maryland—and the
            ago thoroughly established by the   recently from farms all over the country,   people of other states -have in recent
            Constitution of the United States even if   including the Eastern Shore of Maryland   weeks been treated to a number of
            it is denied by some of your newspapers   and from farms of the Old World from   examples of this deliberate attempt to
            and by some of your candidates for   which originally we all came.   create prejudice and class feeling which
            public offi  ce. That fact is that the Free                          'can be charitably explained only as

            State of Maryland, proud of itself and   America has always had- and America   political hysteria. But it does not help the
            conscious of itself, is also proud and   still has- a small minority who assume   cause of Constitutional Government or

            conscious of being a most important   that there are not enough good things to   effective democracy anywhere to laugh

            part of the United States of America;   go around to give that minority all that   off such things in campaign time on the
            that what happens in and to the Free   it wants and at the same time to give   general theory that anything is fair in
            State of Maryland matters mightily in   the rest of America—the overwhelming   love and politics.
            and to the United States of America and,   majority of America—a humane and   Today above all else that minority is
            under the Constitution, to the Chief   modern standard of living. Even today   trying to drive a wedge between the
            Executive and to the Congress of the   that minority is shortsightedly sure that   farmers on the one hand and their
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