Page 35 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 35
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Cuts & Styles
PM Spaghetti
in Ridgely Dinner
first /ursday of the month –
Men, Women & Children
All you can eat spaghetti, salad, bread, drink.
Cuts – Color – Hi-Lites – Foils
Adults $11. Take-out available by drive-through.
Perms – Nails – Waxing = Pedicures
Gluten-Free Noodles now available,
Redken 410-634-9200 first come, first served)
Crew • OPI 7 N. Central Ave., Ridgely
Paul Mitchell Tues.-Fri. 10-7; Sat. 10-3 Chicken BBQ
Sun., September 10
Trish Puckett, Stylist & Barber; starts at 11 am
Stylist: Crystal
Includes ½ chicken, baked
HELP WANTED beans, roll, applesauce, and
Tues.-Fri. 10-7; Sat. 10-3 drink for $12.
timeline is never mentioned by any other county historian.
3. Roosevelt was not here to campaign for his own re-election, Indoor Yard Sale
for vacation, or because he was necessarily enamored with
the Eastern Shore. He was here exclusively to stump for his Saturday, Sept. 23
endorsed candidate for United States Senate, David Lewis, who (same day as town-wide yard sale)
had represented western Maryland as a member of the House of Vendors welcome. Call Tammy
Representatives. The incumbent U.S. Senator, Millard Tydings, at 443-786-9266to reserve a
did not strongly support the president's New Deal programs or spot for just $15.
his scheme to increase the number of Supreme Court justices.
Despite previous visits to Delmarva and to the school, by the
way, FDR still managed in his speech to confuse Washington Golf Outing
College with Washington University -- which exists but is Saturday, September 30
nowhere near here.
Call Anthony at 410-924-9844
4. The crowd and the Eastern Shore in general -- though to enter your team.
typically polite -- heavily favored Tydings, who handily won
the election. Don't be fooled by the modern press, regional Looking Ahead
museum interpretations, or other recent observances featuring
local partisans wistfully gushing over the reception FDR
received. It was by all means a memorable event for Caroline Chicken n Dumplings / Nov. 5
County, but more of a curiosity or spectacle than the "love-fest" Purse Bingo / Nov 10
and "greatest day" that some recount. Only two-thirds of the MCW Wrestling / Nov 18
chairs set up for the crowd that day were actually occupied! To
say that Caroline County steadfastly supported the meddling HALL Visit our website for availability
of the president in our elections or the economy is revisionist RENTAL
history, as are accompanying claims that the New Deal ended
the Great Depression. Know the facts if the campaign to place deserving. I nominate the seventh president, Andrew Jackson,
a statue of Roosevelt in Denton ever actually goes public; who was present in Caroline nearly 150 years prior to Labor
there are several local leaders of eras past that are much more Day 1938.