Page 39 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 39

Linchester Mill! Stop by on your way   BLUEGRASS FEST                Scottish Highland Creamery, Jimmy’s
            home, take a look around, and grab                                   Fat Rolls, and Blue Monkey Street Tacos.
                                               September 23, 1-4 pm at Adkins Arbo-
            dinner to take home. Enjoy mouthwa-
                                               retum, 12610 Eveland Road, Ridgely,  Food and beer beginning at 1 PM; music
            tering dishes from Belly Bustin’ Grill
                                                                                 from 2 to 4 PM. Prices vary. Th e admis-
            and delightful treats from Carrie Sue’s   Join local favorites New and Used Blue-
            Cupcakery. Plus, don’t miss the special   grass for fun, homegrown bluegrass   sion fee increases by $5 on the day of the
            performance by KG Band. Join us and   music on a beautiful early-fall aft ernoon.   event. Rain date: September 30. Th ere is
            show your love for local talent!   Tap your toes to the band, grab a hula   a limit of 400 participants. Early registra-
                                               hoop, play corn hole, or take a walk. Beer   tion is strongly encouraged!
            Sponsored in part by CCCA. Free.
                                               from Bull and Goat Brewery and Ten   Seating is available but is limited—bring-
                                               Eyck Brewing Company. Food available   ing chairs and/or a blanket is highly
                                               for purchase from Lucky Heart Bakery,   advised. Sponsored in part by CCCA.

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              K Ken Burns Sanitation Inc.
               Ken Burns Sanitation Inc.

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