Page 42 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 42
Mid-Shore’s free. Center hours will include nights line, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Kent,
and weekends, and some transportation Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s and Talbot. For
First Recovery will be available. Anyone interested in more information, contact Chesapeake
Community volunteering, partnering or supporting Charities at 410- 643-4020 or info@
this project can contact Kate Dulin,, or visit www.
Organization program director, at 410-690-7353 or Chesapeake
visit Charities is accredited by the National
Opens in Easton Standards for U.S. Community Foun-
This project is supported by the Opioid
Operational Command Center. The
views presented here are those of the The Opioid Operational Command
The region’s first recovery commu- grantee organization and not necessarily Center is Maryland’s principal coordi-
nity organization opens this month in those of the OOCC, its Executive Direc- nating office for addressing the opioid
Easton, thanks to a grant from the state’s tor, or its staff . crisis. Under the guidance of the Inter-
Opioid Operational Command Center. Agency Heroin and Opioid Coordinat-
Located in Stevensville, Chesapeake
The new Center, Grace Street, is funded Charities is a community foundation ing Council, the OOCC leads Maryland’s
through the OOCC’s Competitive Grant that supports more than 135 nonprofi t opioid-related strategic planning and
Program, which supports initiatives funds that impact a range of charita- coordinates the efforts of all state agen-
that address the opioid crisis. Recov- ble causes including animal welfare, cies involved in Maryland’s opioid crisis
ery Community Organizations (RCOs) arts, education, health and human response, various community partners,
are a nationally recognized model that services, and the environment. To and all 24 local jurisdictions throughout
create a hub and spoke center for peer date they have generated more than the state. The OOCC can be contacted
support, case management, outreach $32 million in investment and grant by email at
for harm reduction, prevention activi- funding for charitable projects in ten
ties and other activities for people in counties: Anne Arundel, Calvert, Caro-
recovery for substance use disorder.
Easton’s Center will help people establish
healthy lifestyles and reacclimate into KEEP THE BEAT
society, while building recovery capital
and working to reduce stigma often
associated with addiction. CPR & First Aid Training
“We’re grateful the OOCC chose to fund
Training for: • Boat Captains
our program so we can bring this much
• Healthcare • Coaches...
needed resource to Easton,” said Linda
• Daycare we do them all!
Kohler, Executive Director of Chesa- CPR and First Aid
peake Charities. “Our goal is to bring valid for 2 years
all the recovery resources together in 410-758-2022 Quality, fun
one place so our peer support specialists 147 Log Canoe Cir. & aff ordable
can help people in recovery connect the For upcoming classes: Stevensville, MD 21666 training!
dots as they build healthy sober lives.”
RCO’s help bridges the gap between
professional treatment and a success-
ful life in long-term recovery. Easton’s
Center will deliver an assortment of
non-clinical, community-centered, peer
recovery support services and care coor-
dination, along with harm reduction
resources; workforce training and devel-
opment; youth programming; overdose
prevention activities and resources; and
support groups.
The RCO will serve people in Easton
and Talbot County, and in neighboring
counties across the Mid-Shore. Refer-
rals are not necessary and services are