Page 47 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 47

Crouse Mill Road, Queen Anne. Open to the public to watch.
            Please bring your own chairs. For more information, contact     2023 Community
            Dorsey Wooters at 410-479-0565.
            MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11                                  YARD SALE
            Caroline County AARP Chapter 915 meets at noon, with
            a covered dish luncheon, at the Church of the Nazarene in
            Denton. Mary Moran, of the State Health Insurance Program
            (SHIP) will bring us up to date information of Medicare,   Sponsored by Denton Church of the Nazarene
            Medicare Part D, and other programs. Bring your questions!
            Guests and new members are welcome. For more information,   Saturday, September 30
            call 410-482-6039.
                                                                      8 am - 1 pm    Vendor set-up at 7 am
            Grocery Bingo at the Cordova Firehouse. Doors open at 5:45            (rain date is Oct 7)
            and games begin at 6:30. Refreshments are available. For more
            information, call Betty Ann Johnson at 410-253-5550.
            WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13                                   Breakfast/Lunch/Refreshments for sale
            Eastern Shore Jousting Association monthly meeting at 7                Bake Table
            PM at the Choptank Electric meeting room, 24820 Meeting
            House Road, Denton. Meetings are open to the public who   $10 for each space. Must be registered by 9/16. Tables

            have an interest in our Official State Sport Jousting and helping   on first come, first served basis.
            promote our sport on the Eastern Shore at various local events.  Questions: Please call Faye at 302-632-2854
            SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16                                            or Cheryl at 410-829-9576
            Antiques Extravaganza hosted by Preston Historical Society.
            An Antiques Sale and Appraisal Event will be held at the   To reserve a space/table, complete the form
            Preston Historical Society Museum, 167 Main Street, Preston.
            The Antiques Sale will take place from 8 AM to 2 PM, the   Name

            Appraisal Event will take place from 10 AM to noon.  Limit two
            items for appraisal, fee is $10. Antiques vendors are invited to   #Spaces@$10                  #Tables
            participate. For information call 410-330-3368, email kcgn52@
  , or visit  SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
                                                                Eastern Shore Jousting Association Annual Championship

            The 31st Annual Native American Festival will be held from
                                                                Joust starting at 1 PM at the Tuckahoe Equestrian Center, 619
            10 AM- 6 PM This is a one day only, rain or shine event, held

                                                                Crouse Mill Road, Queen Anne. Open to the public to watch.
            at 214 Middle St., Vienna under the water tower. Cost is $7
                                                                Please bring your own chairs. For more information, contact
            per person, 4 & under are free. Bring your lawn chairs and
                                                                Dorsey Wooters at 410-479-0565.
            spend the day.
                                                                SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29
            Join the Caroline County Chamber of Commerce for Artisans
                                                                Cash Bingo hosted by Preston Historical Society will be held
            on the Choptank from 11 AM-3 PM. An Artisan Market
                                                                at the Preston VFD, 3680 Choptank Road, Preston. Doors
            featuring DIY crafts, a flower bar, craft beer, food, music and

                                                                open at noon, games begins at 2 PM. Tickets are $30 and

            more! This free event will take place rain or shine!  Wharves
                                                                may be reserved by calling 410-924-9080, cash or checks
            of Choptank Visitor & Heritage Center, 3 Crouse Park Lane

                                                                only. Tricky Tray tickets, 50/50 raffle ticket, and refreshments

                                                                also available for purchase. No one under 18 admitted. For
            TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19                               more information visit or
            Beginner Square Dance Lessons at Maple Elementary School   Facebook at “Preston Historical Society.”
            Cambridge. Classes will be held every Tuesday starting at 5:30   SUNDAY & MONDAY, OCTOBER 8-9
            PM. Try it for free to see if it is for you. Singles, couples and   Join us for our Fall Revival with our guest, Servants Heart, an
            children over 10 are welcome. Contact:  exciting Southern Gospel trio from Western MD, with Rev.
            SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23                              Chan Hubbard preaching Sunday at 11 AM and 7 PM services

            Cordova Day from 10 AM-2 PM at the Cordova Firehouse.   and Monday evening at 7 PM. They will sing in the Sunday
            For more info call 410-820-2131.                    School hour also. Any questions, call/email Pastor Reynolds
                                                                at 410-924-6404,, t        www.
            Join the Greensboro Historical Society as they celebrate the
            first annual Dr. Stonesifer Day from 8 AM - 5 PM, honoring

            the legacy of the renowned practitioner. Greensboro Volunteer   SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15
            Fire Hall, 13760 Greensboro Rd.                     Talbot Agriculture and Education Center will be holding their
                                                                Annual Fall Harvest Fest from 11 AM to 5 PM (Raindate: Oct.
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