Page 48 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 48
Goldsboro Vol. Fire Co.
700 Old Line Road, Goldsboro, MD
Monthly Annual
Shrimp Nite
9 AM-3 PM
Friday, Sept. 1 • 6 -8 PM
Friday, Oct. 6 • 6-8 PM 3 rooms of crafts
Shrimp, Pulled Pork, Cole Slaw, French Fries,
Baked Beans, Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Lemonade Food available
Adults: $35 per person /
$55 couple; children 6-12 CASH BAR Contact Jamie at
$15; 5 & under Free. Bottomless Beer Mug 410-924-6230 for
more information or
to become a vendor
For more info. call Jamie at 410-924-6230
Hall Rentals For information on any of the above events or
for all occasions. hall rental, visit
22) at the Ag Center located at 10659 vendors are welcome. Crafters, direct Denton. Spaces are $25 each and include
Hiners Lane, Easton. More information sale consultants*, household items, one table and two chairs. Payment
and a schedule of events can be found at furniture, jewelry, antiques, horse tack, must be received to reserve tables. Set tools, pet items and more! *direct sale up is same day from 7-8 AM. Proceeds
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 consultants will be kept to one consultant from sale of spaces will benefit the 4-H
per venue. Tables are $15 per table, and Club’s Programs including scholarships,
Annual Harvest Festival from 11 AM
payment must be received to reserve club needs, field trips, leadership and
to 2 PM at Union United Methodist
tables. Set up is on Friday, from 6-8 service learning activities. For more
Church, 10663 Knife Box Road
PM or Saturday from 6-7 AM. Proceeds information or to reserve a space, please
Denton (Burrsville). Event to benefit
from sale of table spots will benefit call Karen A. Callahan at 410-310-8934
Union United Methodist Church. Big
the Caroline County 4-H programs, or
Al’s Roast Beef Sandwich and Chips
scholarships, club needs, leadership and
for $12. Chinese Auction, 50/50, hot SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11
service learning activities. For more
dogs, desserts and drinks for purchase. The QAHVFC is hosting a handmade
information or to reserve a space, please
Questions or to pre-order roast beef products only Craft Show from 9 AM
call Joanne Wooters at 410-479-0565.
tickets, please call Millie at 410-482- to 2 PM at the Firehouse, located at
Tables tend to sell out fast so get your
6949. 13512 First Street, Queen Anne. This
reservation in quickly.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 event is for crafters only, no direct sale
Indoor Craft & Yard Sale to benefi t the SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 vendors. Tables are provided at $20 per
The Trailblazers 4-H Club will be table. We will provide one 6 foot table
Caroline County 4-H Program from 8
holding an Equine Tack Swap and Sale and two chairs inside our fi rehouse hall
AM to 1 PM at the Caroline County 4-H
from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Caroline
Park, 8230 Detour Road, Denton. All
County 4-H Park, 8230 Detour Road,