Page 45 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 45
Annual Join us for a day of celebrating
Harvest Festival everything EQUINE!
Union United Methodist Church
Saturday October 1
10663 Knife Box Road, Denton (Burrsville) Tuckahoe Equestrian Center
11 AM - 2 PM
Sat., October 21 • 11 AM - 2 PM
Chinese Auction, 50/50, Hot Dogs, of the Horse
Desserts and Drinks for purchase
To pre-order Roast Beef tickets or
questions please call Millie 410-482-6949 SAT., OCTOBER 7
Benefit: Union United Methodist Church 10 AM - 4 PM
Is your horse a special breed or
usually closed on holiday weekends and dates of membership
meetings. Particularly for out of town researchers, the Research have a special talent?
Center can be visited by special request. Email us at usgsmd@ Come join us as an exhibit strut your stuff in e Research Center will be open September 16,
23, 30; October 14, 21, 28; November 4, 18; December 2, 9. PARADE OF BREEDS
Membership meetings are held at 1 p.m. the second Saturday of
January, March, May, September and November. Locations may ALL ARE WELCOME! Please call to participate
vary, but will be posted on the website at and our
official Facebook group ( Multi discipline Tuckahoe State Park
usgsmd) prior to meetings. Upcoming membership meeting demonstrations: 619 Crouse Mill Rd,
dates are September 9; November 11. Jumping • Western Pleasure Queen Anne
Mustangs • Trail Riding
The Rural Life Museum, 16 N. 2nd Street, Denton, will be Mounted Archery • Jousting
open on Saturdays, September 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 from 11 Driving • Roman Riding Exhibitors: 516-901-4979 Stacy
AM-4 PM. The Rural Life Museum houses WWI and WWII Western Dressage Sponsors: 410-714-4215 Mandy
exhibits, an intact sharecropper’s cabin, various ship models Trick Riding • Dressage Vendors: 443-496-2688 Donna
from shipbuilders in Caroline and on the Eastern Shore, Natural Horsemanship
memorabilia from FDR’s visit to Denton in 1938, a wedding Mounted Falconry VENDORS
cake and wedding dress worn by a WWII war bride, among Therapeutic Riding FREE WANTED
many other historical exhibits. Entrance to the museum is Mounted Search & Rescue ADMISSION (Equine &
through the Annie Taylor house, built by a merchant in 1819. A Non-Equine)
Equine Professionals:
docent will be on hand. Free to the public. www.carolinehistory. $3 parking
Equine Dentistry fee per car
org 410-479-2055. FOOD AVAILABLE
Preston Historical Society Museum, located at 167 Main Blacksmith
Street, Preston, is open 10 AM to 2 PM. No fee for admission. Saddle Fitting
For more information visit
or call 410-924-9080.
Ridgely’s 1892 Train Station will be open the 1st Saturday
Men, join us for “Men Praying Together” at 8:30 AM of the month through September between 10 AM and 1 PM;
every Saturday. Come fellowship with other believers and be September 2. The Ridgely Historical Society will guide you
strengthened and inspired. Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market through the history of the Town that persevered. Learn how
Street, Denton. Contact: 410-924-6404. donaldwreynolds@ the heart of Ridgely continued to beat and build a town that became known as the Strawberry Capital of the World! For
FIRST SATURDAYS more information or to schedule a personal tour, contact Cathy
Community Civic League Breakfast, 3439 Laurel Grove and Rick Schwab at 410-991-8225, or email
Road, Federalsburg. Every first Saturday, 7-10:30 AM. Scrapple, SECOND SATURDAYS
sausage, eggs, potatoes, applesauce, biscuit, oj, coff ee. Cost is Giving Grace Food Pantry held at Goldsboro Fire Co.,
$8. Local delivery available. One free breakfast to anyone who 700 Old Line Road, Goldsboro. Food available from 7 AM
attended the original school or day care. Contact: 410-754-6011 until. For more information, call 302-270-1948. Sponsored by
or 410-924-0552. Trinity United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.