Page 46 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 46
The 1809 Exeter House (Old Denton Sunday Evening Gospel Music at
Road, Federalsburg) will be open Eternal Life Ministries at 4 PM at
for tours on the second Saturday of 807Market St., Denton. Everyone is
each month, from 10 AM to 2 PM. invited. Sponsored by E.L.M. Trustee
Admission is free, but donations are Pastor D.L.Hines.
welcome. Exeter, located at 408 Old FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
Denton Road in Federalsburg, is one Caroline County Garden Club will
of the oldest remaining structures hold a meeting at 10 AM at the Preston
Michael Kors • Coach in southern Caroline County, dating Historical Society Museum, 167 Main
back to around 1800. Many of its early
Kate Spade and more residents were millers who worked Street, Preston. A business meeting
will be conducted and two speakers
in the grist mill across the road on
Sun., September 17 the Marshyhope Creek. Docents will will give presentations on fl owers from
around the world and flower bulbs. Light
Doors open at 11:30 am. be available. Admission is free, but refreshments served. New members are
Bingo starts at 1 pm donations are welcomed! For more always welcome. For more information
information, please contact 443-434-
20 regular games & 3114 or federalsburgmuseum@comcast. call 410-253-9540 or visit Facebook
5 special games net. at “Caroline County Garden Club-
Door Prizes • 50/50 Eternal Life Ministries will have Fish SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
Dinners available from 11 AM until The ladies’ GROW ministry of Calvary
Cost is $30 in advance or $35 at 3 PM. We are located at 807 Market Baptist Church 5th Annual Prayer
the door for the regular packet Street in Denton. For more information Retreat for the purpose of being
games. Special games are $10 please call the church at 410-714-1087 spiritually restored, refreshed, and
per packet or $2 per sheet. or 410-725-1484. renewed. The theme this year is Spiritual
Oasis“Come to the Water.” Retreat to be
Men For Change Outreach will meet
Payment can be made by the every second Saturday, from 11:30 AM held at 9006 Pealiquor Landing Road,
PayPal at pal. - 1:00 PM at the Apostolic Pentecostal Denton from 9:30 AM to 3 PM. If you
com/donate/?hosted_button_ Church, 123 Liberty Road, Federalsburg. are interested in attending and would
id=8YZ9BVUQGJCE4 like more information, please call Nancy
Contact: David Ricks, Sr. 443-786-5182,
Reynolds at 410- 924-6344. Registration
or Betty Jarman, 302-448-5939.
Questions: Please contact closes on September 3.
Angie Cowgill at 410-829-6084. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3
Eastern Shore Jousting Association Greensboro Music Fest & Car Show
All money raised from this fundraiser Caroline County Joust starting at 1 from 3-8 PM. Join us at the Greensboro
will go towards educational travel PM at Caroline County 4-H Park, 8230 carnival grounds for a live Music Fest
for non-profit Children Exploration Detour Road, Denton. Open to the and Car Show. All makes and models
public to watch. Please bring your own are encouraged to participate. Enjoy
chairs. Info: Contact Dorsey Wooters at the sites and sounds, food trucks,
410-479-0565. vendors and games for all. Trophies
will be awarded in multiple categories. A
fireworks presentation will conclude the
evening. Tickets can be purchased here.
Contact: Brandon 443-239-7391 13781
Greensboro Road, Greensboro
All grandparents will be honored
at 11 AM at Calvary Baptist Church.
Sunday School for all ages at 10 AM
and Worship Service at 11 AM. Any
questions, call/email Pastor Reynolds.
1120 Market Street, Denton, 410-924-
Eastern Shore Jousting Association
Annual Ridgely Joust starting at 1 PM
at the Tuckahoe Equestrian Center, 619