Page 44 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 44

Community                    TUESDAYS                          Wednesday Bible Study at 7 PM at
                                                Tuesday Bingo at Denton American   Calvary Baptist Church. Questions:
                     Calendar                   Legion Post #29 at 7:30 PM. Doors open   Contact Don Reynolds, Pastor
                                                at 5 p.m. Snacks and drinks available for   of Calvary Baptist Church, 1120
             ONGOING                            purchase at break. Info 410-479-2708.  Market St, Denton, 410-924-6404,
             Lions Durable Medical Equipment                            , www.
             Loan Closet. If you are in need of a piece   English as a Second Language Classes
             of durable medical equipment, have your   from 9-11 AM. at Aaron’s Place,
             caregiver or healthcare provider contact   401 Aldersgate Drive, Denton. Any   The Ridgely Lions Club supports the
             a Lions Clubs near you to see if we can   questions, please call 443-243-5906.  Ridgely United Methodist Church
                                                                                  with their weekly “Food Pantry
             assist you. To contact a Lions Club near   Zumba Classes at 6 PM with instructor
             you search www.lions22B/projects.   Maria Draves at Aaron’s Place, 401   from 2-6 PM. Folks in need can pick
             SUNDAYS                            Aldersgate Dr, Denton.            up a grocery distribution behind the
             Worship Services at  Eternal Life   THIRD TUESDAYS                   Church on Central Ave in Ridgely. For
                                                                                  more information, contact Lion Shad
             Ministries at 10 AM and 3 PM at 807
                                                Caroline County Chapter of Maryland   Brannock at
             Market St., Denton. Contact: Brother
                                                Right to Life meets at St. Benedict
             Mike at 410-714-4793.                                                Come out and join us for Mommy
                                                Family Life Center, 4th Street, Ridgely,
                                                                                  and Me classes from 9 AM to 1 PM
             Please join us in person at  New   behind the church. Regular meeting at   at Aaron’s Place, 401 Aldersgate Drive,
             Beginnings UMC at 12020 N. Central   7 PM; committees meet 6 PM. All are   Denton. Discussion for health and
             Ave Ridgely at 10 AM. Virtual via   welcome to help us defend life, educate   wellness, baby diapers and needs and
             YouTube #NBUMC or Zoom meeting     the public, and work for legislative   care for mommies. Any questions, please
             ID: 242 506 3045 Passcode: 421282.  change. Info: call or email chapter
                                                president Tom Lough, 443-996-3024   call 443-243-5906.
                                                or email  Denton Farmers & Artisans Market
             The Ridgely Lions meet on the 2nd
             and 4th Mondays of each month at the   WEDNESDAYS                    in Downtown Denton. Shop for local

             Ridgely United Methodist Church Social   Christian Fellowship from 6:30 – 7:30   produce, flowers, plants, artisan items,
             Hall, 107 Central Ave. in Ridgely at 6:30   PM at Bethesda-Preston Methodist   eggs, and more every Wednesday
             PM. For more info on the Ridgely Lions   Church. For questions, contact Pastor   through September 20th. Th is weekly
             go to or www.  Paul Lewis, 155 Main St., Preston,   market takes place from 4:30 – 6 PM at
    lions club. We are   410-610-8111,  the corner of 3rd and Market Streets in
                                                                                  downtown Denton.
             always seeking new members who are
                                                Community Civic League Food
             interested in serving their community.                               WEDNESDAYS & THURSDAYS
                                                Pantry, 3439 Laurel Grove Road,
             FIRST MONDAYS                      Federalsburg. Wednesdays, 4 - 6 PM or   Exercise-Exercise-Exercise! One hour
             The Greensboro Historical Society,    by appointment. Free food and clothing.   exercise classes at 11 AM at Aarons Place,
             104 E. Sunset Ave., meets each month   Contact: 302-604-4216 or 410-754-6011.  401 Aldersgate Drive, Denton. Please
             on the first Monday at 7 PM.                                         call 443-243-5906 if any questions.

                                                In person Bible Study at 6 PM, Eternal   FIRST THURSDAYS
                                                Life Ministries, 807 Market St., Denton.
                                                                                  The Activities Singles Klub (ASK)
                  You’re          drive through pick up                           holds its meetings the 1st Th ursday of
                                                                                  the month. Meetings are held at the
                  Invited...      CHICKEN BBQ                                     Elks located at 502 Dutchman’s Lane in
                                  CHICKEN BBQ
                                                                                  Easton. Single, widowed, divorced and
                                                                                  separated individuals are invited. Feel
                                                                                  free to come visit with us. We meet at
                                                                                  4:30 PM for social time, dinner will be
                                   Sat.,  September 23  |  11 am until...         at 5:00 PM and the meeting will follow
                                                                                  dinner. For information call Gladys at
                                  Dinner includes: ½ BBQ Chicken, Corn on the     410-822-6205.
                                  Cob, Bag of Chips, Roll, Soda or Water.         SATURDAYS
                                  Cost:  $10 Cash only (no pre-orders required)
                                                                                  Upper Shore Genealogical Society

                                                        For more information, contact:    of Maryland - The Research Center/
                  Karen at 302-222-2541 (call or text),   Library is located at 12156 Greensboro
                 or George at 443-786-0871 (call or text) or  Road, Greensboro. The hours of
                                                                                  operation are most Saturdays, from 9
                 Burrsville Ruritan Club, Inc.  •  1 Ruritan Road, Denton         AM - 2 PM. The Research Center is

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