Page 52 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 52
University of Arkansas for Medical Dr. Asare received her Doctor of chronic health management, care
Sciences in Little Rock, AR. Osteopathic Medicine degree from navigation, and laboratory services,
the New York Institute of Technology with new medical patients now being
Dr. Ahmed earned his medical degree Osteopathic School of Medicine and a welcomed.
from Juba University in Khartoum, Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts from Sarah
Sudan, after which he provided Lawrence College. New and existing Choptank Health
care in multiple settings, including medical patients can call the Denton
outpatient primary and specialty care, Choptank Community Health System Health Center at 410-479-2650
and inpatient intensive care and step- provides medical and dental services to schedule a virtual or in-person
down units. At Khartoum Teaching in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen appointment, with more information at
Hospital, he served two years managing Anne’s, and Talbot counties to more
nephrology patients, facilitating than 30,000 adults and children,
dialysis for patients with end-stage with a mission to provide access to
renal disease and acute kidney injury. exceptional, comprehensive, and
From 2015 to 2017 at NMC ProVita integrated healthcare for all.
International Medical Center in Al Ain,
UAE, he served on a multi-disciplinary Choptank Community Health’s
team managing critically ill patients medical services include primary
with complex conditions. Dr. Ahmed is health care, women’s health, prenatal
a member of the American Society of care, pediatrics, behavioral health,
Nephrology and has authored articles
in medical publications.
“We are delighted to welcome Dr.
Ahmed to our nephrology team and
very excited that his arrival enables
us to start seeing patients in Denton
as well as Cambridge, Chestertown,
Easton and Queenstown,” said Anish
Hinduja, MD, Medical Director, SMG-
Nephrology. “Providing convenient 14374 Benedictine Ln | Ridgely, MD 21660
access to care for Caroline County
patients close to their homes is an THE COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY
important step forward for our AT MARTIN’S HOUSE & BARN
(This is our new name, was previously Saint Martin’s Barn)
To make an appointment with a UM Drive-Thru Pantry and Thrift Store Hours:
SMG – Nephrology provider, call 410-
820-9823. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Martes, Jueves, Viernes
8:30 am - 11:30 am 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Choptank Health announces new Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
medical provider in Denton
Thrift Store is also open First Saturdays 8 am-Noon
Choptank Community Health System’s
Denton Health Center recently FOOD ASSISTANCE:
welcomed family practice physician PLEASE CALL OUR BARN MANAGER
Eunice A. Asare, DO to the medical AT 410.634.2537 EXT. 111
Dr. Asare specializes in the
comprehensive assessment and
COORDINATOR AT 410-634-2537 EXT. 105
treatment of prenatal, pediatric,
and adult patients working in local, All staff at Martin’s House & Barn are following CDC guidelines
rural communities. She is a Global for social distancing and COVID prevention, including daily
Health Clinical Elective participant
temperature checks and masking.
with Christiana Care and the Rhodes
We ask that clients also please wear a mask and maintain
Foundation and is a Certifi ed Medical
distance of six feet when staff bring the food to the vehicle.
Language Interpreter in Akan/Twi.