Page 56 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 56

tration is from 8-9 AM with a shotgun   Beef!”.  The tickets for this fundraiser

                                               start beginning at 9 AM. Tournament   are 1 for $5 or 3 for $10 and are available
                                               is Captain’s Choice/Best Ball format.   from any member. The winning tick-
                                               Registration is $125 per person or $500   ets will be drawn on Tuesday, October
                                               per team. Registration includes coff ee   3. Please remember that Two Beef
                                               and donuts, your golf cart, one bucket of   Quarters are the prizes in this fund-
                                               range balls, beverages on the course and   raiser. Look for our ad in this issue of
                       “We Serve”              lunch following golf. Th e tournament   the Caroline Review.
                                               will have a 50/50 raffle, a Men’s, and
                Greensboro Lions meet          Women’s “Longest Drive” contest as well   We are most grateful and appreciative of
                  again in September           as “Closest to the Pin” holes. Prizes this   all those good folks that have supported
                                               year include local gift cards, restaurant,   our previous fundraisers including the

            The Greensboro Lions Club meets the   and golf packages with a special prize for   “Whole Hog” and the “Bushel of #1 Blue
            1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at   one winner... a special Four Day/Th ree   Crabs”. Per Marydel Lions Club policy of
            6:30 PM at Wheatley Hall, 300 West   Night vacation in Ocean City.   protecting the privacy of those folks who
                                                                                 are the winners of our various fundrais-
            Sunset Avenue, Greensboro. Th e club
                                               For more information about entering   ers, we will not release their names to the
            does not meet during the months of
                                               your team or if you or your company or   public but their names are to be found
            July and August. Under the new leader-
                                               organization are interested in being a   in our Club’s monthly minutes.
            ship of President, King Lion Dr. Joseph
                                               sponsor, please contact Lion Jerry Sutton
            McCarthy, the club will resume meeting

                                               at 443-786-0848, gasutton51@gmail.  The Marydel Lions Club’s 2023 – 2024
            on Tuesday, September 5th. To make
                                               com or Lion Mike Redgraves at 410-829-  College Academic Scholarships are help-
            reservations, call Allen Kinnamon at
                                               9027, You can   ing to support students that are major-
                                               download the tournament registration   ing in Agriculture Communication/
               Ridgely Lions Scholarship       and sponsorship form at www.ridge-  Research, Criminology/Forensics,
                October Golf Tournament                       N u r sin g, Eq uine Thera p y /
                                                                                 Business, Environmental Sciences,
            Ridgely Lions Club will sponsor their   Marydel Lions Club Expands It’s   Communication Science Disorders and
            14th Annual Golf Tournament on          Community Outreach!          Sports Management. Providing satisfac-
            October 20 at the Hog Neck Golf Course                               tory academic progress is maintained,
            in Easton. Proceeds from the tourna-                                 these scholarships will follow each
                                               The Marydel Lions Club fundraising

            ment benefit the Ridgely Lions Club’s                                student through all four years of their
                                               activities continue to generate addi-
            Scholarship Fund. Tournament regis-                                  respective Baccalaureate Degree.
                                               tional funds which in turn provide the
                                               Club with opportunities for increas-
                                                                                 The members of the Club are always
                                               ing support to the Club’s projects and
                                                                                 ready and pleased to welcome ladies
                                               programs. This increasing support will

                                                                                 and gentlemen that are considering
                                               manifest itself in the Club’s projects and
                                                                                 membership in the Marydel Lions Club.
                                               programs that aid the children, youth,
                                                                                 Information pertaining to member-
                                               families, adults and seniors that are resi-
                                                                                 ship and Club activities is available
                                               dents of the Maryland and Delaware
                                                                                 from Terry Higgins at terryhiggins38@
                                               Mason-Dixon Line Communities and or 302-363-5823. The
                   Steven’s                    environs of Marydel.              combined monthly dinner/business
                Greenhouse                     Specifically, the Club’s total community   meetings occur the first Tuesday of each

                                                                                 month at 6 PM in the dining room of
                                               grants for July 1, 2023 through June 30,

                                               2024 will reflect a 60 % increase over the   the Marydel Volunteer Fire Company
                 & Produce                     previous funding year. This dramatic   and are catered by the chefs of the fi re
                                                                                 company ladies auxiliary.
                                               increase is due to several factors includ-
                                               ing the timing and quality of our fund-
                    443-239-7171               raisers, the fact that 100% of all the   Lion Lee Voshell will have his 2023 ‘Lee’s
                                                                                 Bees’ Local All Natural Raw Honey in
                                               money raised by our fundraisers goes
                                                                                 one pound jars available for sale later on
                                               directly to our Club’s programs and proj-
                   11339B Ridgely Rd                                             this fall season at $10 each. Lion Lee is
                                               ects and, last but not least, the excellent,
             (404 and Ridgely Rd in Hillsboro)                                   graciously donating all proceeds to the
                                               creative advertising to be found in the
                                                                                 Club’s projects and programs. Watch
                                               Caroline Review.
              GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE                                        this column in upcoming issues of the
                   Owner: Steven Dosh          Our Club’s current fundraiser is enti-  Caroline Review for additional informa-
                                                                                 tion on this unique opportunity.
                                               tled “Two Chances to Win a Quarter of
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