Page 59 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 59
Chesapeake Additionally, our historic venue built Caroline Culinary Arts encompasses the
circa 1901, formerly the original work of three organizations, within the
Culinary Center Caroline High School, has beautifully Historic Caroline Schoolhouse, dedi-
Did you know? restored rooms and spacious grounds cated to creating workforce opportuni-
to accommodate your next celebration! ties and supporting small businesses
and family farms: Chesapeake Culinary
The Caroline Schoolhouse is the East-
The Chesapeake Culinary Center (CCC) ern Shore’s hub for culinary workforce Center, Shore Gourmet Market, and
established 2004, is a community driven Caroline County Public Schools.
development and food-based entrepre-
mission based on building a workforce
that supports the Eastern Shore’s tour-
ism industry by highlighting its agricul-
tural and waterman sectors.
We provide students and adults with COOK SHACK
real-world, hands-on training in all BOUNCE
aspects of hospitality and restaurant will be selling food
service. Students learn food safety, guest HOUSES
service, cooking, ordering and logistics,
and the business and technology of DJ
the food service industry. Participants BIG CHRIS
develop these skills and build their
resumes, preparing them for full-time
careers within this essential industry.
Within the Caroline Schoolhouse, CCC
provides local small-food based busi-
nesses access to a community kitchen
and incubator services. Th ese resources
help entrepreneurs and family farms
generate and sustain new revenue Sponsored by
streams. Without this diversifi cation, e
many small farms would struggle to
stay afl oat. 410-602-5050
As we’ve grown, we’ve been able to
engage more members of the commu- Cow Barn Little League Complex
nity. We now see our overarching
mission as creating more economically Ridgely, MD, off of Cow Barn Road
independent families on the Eastern
Shore. We help families learn how to Saturday, September 16
plan, budget, and prepare healthy meals.
We teach children proper table etiquette
Registration 8:30 - 11:30 AM •
and the importance of sharing family
Show 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM followed by awards
meals. We’ve also partnered with Farm-
ing4Hunger to bring their addiction $20 Early Registration, $25 Day of
prevention and educational programs Awards for Top 20, Best Car, Best Truck, Best in Show
to the Eastern Shore.
We are largely self-sustaining through
your support in the catering revenue we FREE Please bring a canned good
generate. However, we actively pursue
grants and donations for capital projects ADMISSION for Caroline Food for Learning
and special programs. If you’re excited
about the work we’re doing, you can Vehicle registration or vendor opportunities,
help! Donations are tax deductible and please contact
a great investment in your local commu-
All proceeds benefit Caroline North LIttle League