Page 63 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 63

Randy Alan Price to Tracy A. Murray,   Kenneth P. Gornic and Melissa L. Gor-
            21862 Water Street, Preston, $240,000.  nic to Robert B. Irvine, III and Louisa   WELL
                                               Stovall Irvine, 206 South Fift h Avenue,
            Neal Family Partnership to Second
                                               Denton, $908,000.
            Street Ventures, LLC, Lot 1 – 2.227
            acres, Gay Street, Denton, $275,000.  Gregory P. Thomas to Railroad Proper-  DRILLING

                                               ties, LLC, 807 Crystal Avenue, Denton,
            Velma S. Crow to Nicole Jeannine Hag-
            ner, 313 Church Street, Greensboro,                                     PLASTIC CASING
            $208,000.                          Cheryl Wise to Harrison Ferry Prop-
                                               erties, LLC, 4270 Frazier Neck Road,         WELLS
            Mary E. Brittingham to Scott T. Brit-
                                               Preston, $115,000.
            tingham and Laura L. Brittingham,
            11231 River Road, Ridgely, $177,250.  Philip A. Harper to Isalia Velasquez   Commerical/Residential
                                               Roblero, 417 West Sunset Avenue,            & Irrigation

            Diana Theologou, Gregory Th orne,
                                               Greensboro, $209,900.
            Adrian Jacobs, Brian Campbell, and                                                   Gould
            Christine Cotton to Superior Rentals,   George D. Nicholson and Karen T.      Also
            LLC, 318 South Fourth Street, Denton,   Clark to Clifford L. Higgs, 16934 Dig-       Pumps

            $175,000.                          gins Road, Henderson, $748,200.
            Beltway Capital, LLC to Emmitt Cole,   Margaret L. Meeks to James M. John-
            406 Liberty Road, Federalsburg,    son, Jr., 406 N. Academy Street, Greens-  Lifetime Well
            $60,000.                           boro, $310,000.                              Drilling
            Ronda C. Janda to Nathan Hoff man   Daniel Fox to Bonita Woods, LLC,          Call Kenny Wood
            and Olivia Santos, 2710 Meadowbrook   12924 Oakland Road, Ridgely, $20,251.  410-479-0397
            Road, Federalsburg, $245,000.
                                               James E. McCafferty, III to Passion

            James T. Worm, Jr. and Shelly L. Fisher   Bolden Tilghman, 11077 Garland
            to Caitlin Isabella Hutson, 6165 Her-  Road, Denton, $485,000.
            rington Lane, Preston, $225,000.


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