Page 66 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 66
during that 30 days of your birthday
month to save money!
Just remember that once you have
decreased your coverage, you will Owner/manager
never be able to increase it again. Your Nicole Veale
future healthcare needs really should ALM, CGNA, and CMT
be the priority when considering a
change in coverage. Remember that a
beneficiary who currently has an “N”,
can not increase coverage and switch
from an “N” to a “G”. This is due to
“N” coverage including provider,
services, and emergency room out of Contact Us 410-443-7498 502 High Street
pocket co-pays, whereas “G” covers Denton, MD 21629
all care co-pays. That change would be
increasing coverage and is therefore not
)22' 3$175,(6
Finally, for those under 65 and on
disability, the birthday rule allows you Aarons Place, Inc Aarons Place Inc at
to switch from a “C” to an “A” with 401 Aldersgate Drive Living Waters Assembly
another company. The same rules of no Denton, MD 21629 9058 Double Hills Road
medical underwriting questions apply, Tues. - Wed. 9 AM - 2:30 PM Denton, MD 21629
with the same smoking limitations. Please call 443-243-5906
Aarons Place Inc.
Remember that once the new policy 435 Main Street Mobiles:
has been set up and accepted by Goldsboro, MD 21636 Marydel, MD, Federalsburg
and Preston. Please call
another company, it is the benefi ciary’s Sunday, 10 AM - 1 PM and Preston. Please call
responsibility to notify the old company Aarons Place Inc at 443-243-5906 if any questions.
in writing and cancel the previous policy. Community Civic League
Be sure to make the cancellation date 3439 Laurel Grove Rd,
the start date of the new policy to avoid Federalsburg, MD 21632
a lapse in coverage. Federal law states Wednesday, 4 to 6 PM
that a carrier may not cancel, or not
renew, your sup policy other than for
non-payment of premium. Th erefore, has a few health education promotions community and in our Centers.
make sure your monthly premiums are lined up starting with Fall Prevention
paid up to the cancellation date and that activities with Tyrell James and Melanie Please come join us for our daily
your new policy payment structure is in Chapple. National Senior Center Month activities this month including our
place. Don’t put the cart before the horse is the opportunity to celebrate your usual monthly bingos, monthly birthday
and end your existing policy until the local senior center and the work they potluck luncheon, Healthy Coaching,
new one is fully set up! do to enrich and extend the lives of SAIL Exercise with Tyrell James, and
our seniors. Caroline and Federalsburg Medication Thursday with Melanie.
Reminder: Open Enrollment starts Senior Centers will host their 2nd annual
next month! OE is your annual BBQ this year to celebrate our Caroline The Senior Center has offi cially handed
opportunity to reevaluate your County senior centers. If you’re 60 and out all our Farmer’s Market coupons.
prescription drug coverage for the over and would like to attend the BBQ, A big thank you to Holly from Shore
upcoming year! Open Enrollment runs please call the Caroline Senior Center to Gourmet for setting up the produce
from October 15 to December 7. More sign up at 410-479-2535. In conjunction “mobile “unit once again this year and
on that next month. with National Senior Center’s Month, delivering produce to our Centers for
our seniors that can’t go personally
National Healthy Aging Month also
Federalsburg Senior Center plays a vital role in how the senior center to the market and use their coupons.
supports our seniors. Our Centers Teamwork!
September is a busy month, with provide nutrition and healthy activities
National Senior Center’s Month, September Birthday: Ruth Jones
to get our older adults involved and to
National Healthy Aging Month and
remain independent and active in the
Fall Prevention Month. The Center