Page 64 - September 2023 Issue.indd
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Senior So, if one’s birthday is the 5th of August, of policy (i.e., one can transfer their
Spot your 30 days of Guaranteed Issue starts current expensive “G” to a “G” with a
August 5th. Therefore, on August 6th
different company and lower premium)
you be eligible to authorize your agent
or to reduce coverage from their current
or broker to get started shopping for type of Medicare Supplemental policy
the change of company or plan that best (i.e., a high deductible “G” to a regular
suits your needs. Your last chance to do “N”) within 30 days following their
this would be on September 4th. It’s a birthday! Your current insurance carrier
Senior Moments
very small window so don’t delay! is required to notify you at least 30
days prior to, but no more than 60 days
by Mary Moran Because insurance coverage starts on before, your birthday month of this
410-479-2535 or 410-490-3078 the first of the month, the application opportunity.
paperwork would have a start date of
Out of the gate I must apologize for one your new coverage beginning the month This new Guaranteed Issue Special
aspect of information Senior Moments after your birthday. In this case the Exception Period allows you to shop
passed along about the new Medigap new coverage would start the following for a new company, or a different type of
Birthday Rule that was incorrect. In month on September 1st. policy, without the brokers/ agents you
July’s column, I encouraged folks to contact being able to ask any medical
start the process the month before Please note that this Guaranteed Issue questions. They cannot ask how tall you
their birthdays. Turns out the way the Special Exception Period (SEP) only are or how much you weigh. You cannot
law is written, the 30 days to change applies to those who have a birthday be asked about your current health
companies or plans begins exactly after July 1, 2023. Those with birthdays status, your past claims, or any medical
on the actual birthday date, and the prior to July 1, 2023 will have to wait conditions that result in your receiving
insurance companies are refusing until next year to take advantage of this health care. Bottom Line is Guaranteed
to accept applications dated the first Birthday month Special Enrollment Issue means they cannot deny you
day of the birthday month. The law Period. coverage because of your current health
as written states that this opportunity or health history. I checked with the
Here’s the nitty gritty! Th e upcoming
goes into effect on the exact date of Maryland Insurance Administration
alphabet soup may prove confusing but
the birthday and the companies are about if they can ask if you are a smoker
hang in there and read it again!
sticking to it! I have contacted the and was told they cannot ask if you are
Maryland Insurance Administration Maryland House Bill 247, also known a smoker. Of course, smokers always
pointing out that this poses a potential as the Birthday Rule, provides the give themselves away because the smell
gap in coverage since Medigap, and of smoke is on your clothes and in your
opportunity to switch to a different
all insurance policies, contracts, and hair, but according to the Insurance
Medicare supplemental insurance
state and federal programs, leases, etc., Administration they cannot ask if you
provider, on an annual basis, during
begin on the first of the month. Th ey are smoke! Time to quit, folks.
the month of your birthday! It entitles
currently examining the language of the
beneficiaries to change to the same type
law, so stay tuned, folks! The only stipulation is that the new
rates will be determined by one’s age.
TURNING 65? So, the monthly savings an 80-year-old
will experience will be different than
the premium savings of a 70-year-old.
Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options? Just because your younger neighbor
Let Me Help You! is getting a great deal going with
company ABC doesn’t mean that
company is the right choice for you!
Let your brokers know that you need
Anthony Insurance Services a complete understanding of what
Ann M. Anthony your federally standardized Medicare
Supplement options are. Above all,
don’t move to a diff erent plan without
Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans, fully understanding the coverage of that
diff erent plan.
Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,
Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance There are other crucial guidelines in the
Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 • new Birthday Rule. It is very important
22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629 to know that if one chooses to change