Page 62 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 62
Terry Glenn Amacker, II to Jazlyn Lilian William Barrett Lord to Nancmarie The Estate of Patricia Manship to 4511
Singh and Matthew Bryant, 204 South Gump, 27309 Willin Lane, Federals- Maple Ave, LLC, 411 Maple Avenue,
Main Street, Greensboro, $440,000. burg, $32,000. Ridgely, $80,000.
The Estate of Thomas J. McCarthy to Equitable Calvert, LLC to Rosedarline Sandy Meadow II, LLC to Jamar D.
Wakefield Holdings, LLC, 159.22 acres, Luc, 1238 Painted Fern Road, Denton, Chester and Brianna Y. Chester, 204
Cedar Lane, Greensboro, $1,050,000. $309,990. Briarwood Circle, Denton, $344,000.
John T. Thibault to Denton Restoration Ronald Norris and Denise Norris to Paul Vincent Hemus and Sherian Lynn
Properties, LLC, 702 Camp Road, Den- Wade Gibson Harris, 14581 Fox Chase Hemus to Christina Fluharty and
ton, $225,000. Circle, Ridgely, $392,500. Charles Dedo, 317 Market Street, Den-
ton, $312,000.
Julia L. Millionie-Harvey to Zulene Brian K. Sipe, Sr. and Eva M. Sipe to
Lambert and Susan Scudder, 303 Acad- Elizabeth H. Watson, 202 Caroline Av- Shore United Bank, N.A. to North-
emy Avenue, Federalsburg, $210,000. enue, Ridgely, $269,000. ern Chesapeake Investments, LLC,
25335 Sandy Point Road, Greensboro,
Sinclair Construction Leslie S. Merriken to James Don-
ald Rother, Jr., 11.81 acres Federals-
30 yrs. Building Service on the Eastern Shore burg Rte. 313 Highway, Federalsburg,
Specializing in
New Homes • Additions • Siding • Roofs Daniel Fox to 2015 REO, LLC, 531 Old-
Decks • Kitchens • Baths MHIC#31929 town Road, Goldsboro, $31,750.
2015 REO, LLC to TJL Properties,
410-924-4669 443-439-9712 LLC, 531 Oldtown Road, Goldsboro,
6716 American Corner Road, Denton, MD 21629
Water Management - Commercial &
Tile Drainage Agricultural
Site Work
Wildlife Ponds
Ditch Excavation
Grass Waterways