Page 57 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 57
Lions Durable Medical Equipment Project thunderstorm before finally calling it a day. So goes a day of
Assists Local Residents service of one Ridgely Lions Club member.
The Ridgely and Greensboro Lions Clubs operate a Durable If you know of someone in need of assistance, have their care-
Medical Equipment Loan Closet in our local community. We giver or healthcare provider contact the Ridgely or Greensboro
do this by re-purposing good used medical equipment to Lions Clubs to see if we are able help. Message us at www.
people in need on Maryland’s Mid-shore area (QA, Talbot, at Ridgely Lions Club or Greensboro MD Lions
Dorchester and Caroline Counties). Referrals come from local Club or contact Lion Dave Davis at 443-786-2547. If you are
healthcare and social service providers. We recently assisted reading this and have some good used durable medical equip-
several families in the community who needed some help and ment that you would like to donate to our project, then let us
that all took place in one day. know. We will even pick it up. The Lions Clubs International
motto is “We Serve”. If we can serve you or you can help us
A family in Henderson had the hospital bed previously serve others, let us know. Interested in serving your commu-
provided to their disabled son that quit operating. Lion Jeff , nity? Consider joining your local Lions Club. Contact us at
who happened to be on leave from work, was able to load up 443-786-2547 or at or search District
another hospital bed and exchange it for the inoperable unit. 22B Lions.
Lion Dave got a call from Mr. Franklin Banks in Ridgely report-
ing that he had a bolt/pin come loose and fall out of his hospital TRINITY UMC CALVARY UMC Trinity United
bed. Lion Dave communicated this request to Lion Jeff who
was able to stop by Franklin’s home and repair the hospital bed. Methodist Church
Lion Jeff had one more scheduled delivery of another hospital 302 Church Lane, Goldsboro, MD
bed to close out his day. So Lion Jeff loads up hospital bed #2
and starts out for his delivery address in Federalsburg. Enroute Sunday Worship and
to Federalsburg, he makes a stop at Aaron’s Place in Denton to Sunday School at 9:15 AM
drop off several packages of adult diapers, 30’ x 30’ bed pads
and disposable gloves that were donated to the Lion’s DME
project. He finishes his last delivery in Federalsburg during a Pastor Dale Krupla
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