Page 69 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 69

BUSINESS DIRECTORY     $2.50 each line, each month. 3 month min.
            ACCOUNTING                         FARM & FEED STORE                 PHOTOGRAPHY
            Kram, McCarthy, Ayers & Frost, LLC  Hetrick Farms                    Chelsea Powell Photography
            410-643-4477 / Stevensville        6635 Statum Rd. Preston 
            APPLIANCES                         Year-round supplier of high quality hay
            Meredith’s Appliances              Dealer of Farmer’s Co-op & ADM feeds  PLAQUES
            Federalsburg 410-754-9519          410-674-7630 (Closed Mondays)     Awards Engraving Company
            AUTO SUPPLIES                      Talbot Ag Supply, Inc.            214 B Market St, Denton  410-479-8330
            B & R Auto Parts, Inc.             13612 First St., Queen Anne
            Denton / 410-479-3322                PLUMBING & SEPTIC  PUMPING
            AVON                               Garden, Equine, Pet & Livestock head-  Bishop’s Backhoe & Plumbing, Inc.

            Avon by Lynn Clark ISR             quarters! Offering: Delivery, Soil Samples   410-482-2195
                                               & Seed Mixing   410-820-2388
            To buy or sell contact 410-739-0159                                  REAL ESTATE
          FLORIST                           Benson & Mangold
            AWARDS                             John’s Four Season’s Florist      Mike Shipley, Denton,410-924-4807
            Awards Engraving Company           Stein Hwy at Reliance near Federalsburg  Long and Foster
                                               410-754-5835 or in DE 302-629-2644
            214 B Market St, Denton  410-479-8330                                Barbara Blosser, Denton 410-924-8603
                    Find us on Facebook               The Land Group

            BEAUTY SHOPS                       FUNERAL HOMES                     Brian Morris 410-708-1984
            All About Hair                     Fleegle-Helfenbein Funeral Home   ROOFING
                                               Greensboro 410-482-8914
            7 N. Central Ave. Ridgely 410-634-9200                               General Roofi ng
                                               Moore Funeral Home, P.A.
            Anita’s Hair House                                                   Residential and Commercial
                                               Denton 410-479-2611
            Rt. 311, Henderson 410-482-7244                               410-829-5234
                                               GAS APPLIANCE SERVICE
            Connie’s Cut Above                 Gray’s Gas                        SWIMMING POOLS
            Goldsboro, MD 410-482-2348                                           Sparkle Pools, Inc.
                                               Serving & Installing Gas Appliances
            Perfect Touch Hair Design          Cleaning and Conversions          10375 River Rd, Denton 410-479-1447
            Rt. 404 Denton 410-479-2833                                
                                               410-482-6551 Fax: 410-482-8959
            Teri Griffi  th, Independent Stylist at   HEATING EQUIPMENT          THRIFT/BOUTIQUE
            Hair Connection-Denton 410-924-5060  B.J. Distributing Company       Moe’s On Market Th rift ique
                                                                                 214A Market St, Denton   301-357-0226
            Tracy’s Cuttin Up                  Greensboro 410-482-2421           Moesonmarket@gmail.Com
            Federalsburg 410-754-5549          HEATING & AIR                     TIRES/MECHANICAL REPAIR
            BEVERAGES                          Ray’s Electrical Service          Cook’s Tire (two locations)
            Bargain Beverage                   410-479-1864 410-479-0157         Goldsboro - 15309 Church Lane,
            100 Franklin St., Denton 410-479-2215  Steele’s Refrigeration        410-482-6557 and Harrington, DE,
            CONSTRUCTION                       Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.  12 Clark St, 302-398-3751
            Sinclair Construction              Denton 410-479-5560 410-643-0005
            Commercial & Residential Construction  INSURANCE                     TROPHIES
            30 yrs. building experience throughout  Gondeck Insurance Agency, Inc.  Awards Engraving Company
            the Eastern Shore MHIC#31929       410-479-2463 / 410-310-1597       214 B Market St, Denton  410-479-8330
            410-479-1025 443-439-9712
            ELECTRICAL                         LIQUOR STORES                     VETERINARIANS
            J.R. Leavers Electric              Bargain Beverage                  Denton Animal Hospital
            443-790-7935                       100 Franklin St., Denton 410-479-2215  Dr. Michael D. Schriver
            Ray’s Electrical Service           MONUMENTS                         Pet Animal Practice
            410-479-1864 410-479-0157          Fleegle-Helfenbein Funeral Home   Office Hours Daily & Sat. mornings

            ENGRAVING                          Greensboro 410-482-8914           Rt. 313 & Fleetwood Rd Denton
            Awards Engraving Company           Moore Memorials                   “Next to McDonalds” 410-479-0388
            214 B Market St, Denton  410-479-8330  Denton 410- 479-2611          WELDERS
                    PAINTING / ART WORK               R & E Welders
            EVERGREENS                         Jan Baker’s 4th Street Gallery    John Richard Mace & Elmer Jeff erson
            Don’s Tree Farm                    12 N. Fourth St, Denton 443-786-8574  Liden School Road 410-479-2479
            Privacy Evergreen Trees            PETS
            Greenwood, DE  302-349-0555
                                               Local mealworms for reptiles &
                                               birds. Call Jeanne at 443-831-3458.

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