Page 31 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 31

Dave’s                                    David Grinavic,           life who did not like to do the things
                                                       ASE Master Technician     that had to be done. They admitted
             Riverside                                 32600 Main St.            the existence of certain abuses. But in
                                                                                 their hearts they wishfully believed
             Garage, Inc.                              Queen Anne, MD 21657      that improvement should come from
                                                       410-364-9336              individual initiative or local initiative
                                                                                 without the help of Government. If
                   COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR & MAINTENANCE                            improvement could not come without
             • Computerized Engine Diagnostics                                   Government action, then they wanted
             • Performance Tune-Ups                                              no improvement at all.
             • Front End Alignments        Oil & Filter Changes
             • Brakes • Shocks • Electrical Repairs                              People who feel and think like that I call
             • Battery Replacements • Mufflers                                   "conservatives," and even "reactionaries."
             • Tires (Rotate and Balance)                                        And people who feel that the past should
             • A/C Service • Exhaust Systems
                                                   MD State                      be brought up to the present by using
             • Lock-Out & Jump-Start Service                                     every legitimate instrument to do
             • And more!!!                       Inspections
                                                                                 the job, including Government, I call
                                                                                 "liberals" or "progressives."
                                               I have been honored by being given an
                                               honorary degree by your own historic   Any man-any political party—has a
                                               Washington University.            right to be honestly one or the other.
                                                                                 But the Nation cannot stand for the
                                               You have sent your sons and daughters   confusion of having him pretend to be
                                               by the thousands into the industrial   one and act like the other.
                                               world. Your products of farm and fi shery
                                                                                 A few days ago a brilliant newspaper
               Trophies  •  Plaques            go to the greatest city markets of the   writer came to the White House and
                                               United States. And you have never lost
             Acrylics  •  Medallions                                             asked me to illustrate the difference
                                               the sense of the lasting spiritual values
                                                                                 between a liberal and a conservative. I
                   Call us about your          in life.                          will condense for you what I told her.
                    project or event

                                               That is why I have wanted to come here
                                                                                 For example, I said, "Mr. A" is a
                Recognize Excellence           on Labor Day and preach a sermon, if   composite conservative. "Mr. A"
                Reward Achievement             you will, on that ancient text "We are all   admitted that in 1933 interest rates
                                               members one of another."
              5 to7 day turn around time                                         charged by private banking to ordinary
              All work done on premises        In order to make that relationship a   citizens who wanted to finance a farm

                                               benefit rather than a curse, in order to   or a home were altogether too high; he

                 keep all of our people abreast of each   admitted that there were excesses, sharp
                     410-479-8330              other and in line with the present, our   practices and abuses in issuing securities
                   Fax: 410-479-8442           democratic form of Government must   and buying and selling stocks and bonds;
                 Hours: 10-5 Mon. - Fri.       move forward on many fronts at the   he admitted that the hours of work in his
                                               same time.                        factory and a great many other factories
                                                                                 were too long; he admitted that old
                                               For a dozen years or more prior to 1933,
            relatives and their logical partners in the                          people, who became destitute through
                                               the Federal Government had not moved
            cities on the other. It is trying to narrow                          no fault of their own, were a problem; he
                                               forward at all. Life was out of balance
            the broad definition of "labor" in the                               admitted that national and international
                                               and Government had failed completely
            mind of the farmer, who above all people                             economic conditions and speculation
                                               to recognize that important social needs
            has always known what it means to have                               had made farming and fi shing extremely
                                               call for action. In a nation-wide eff ort to
            to labor from sun-up to sun-down. It is                              hazardous occupations; and he even
                                               catch up with lost time, to bring a distant
            trying to make the farmer forget that the                            admitted that the buying power of
                                               past up to the present, a whole series of
            people in the cities who, like him, labor                            farmers and fishermen had not kept
                                               new undertakings had to be launched
            for their daily bread are his own people,                            pace with the buying power of many
                                               in 1933. But remember well that these

            flesh of his flesh, and blood of his blood,                          other kinds of workers.
                                               undertakings were on a complete front
            Americans just like him.
                                               that included American citizens in   But, "Mr. A" not only declined to take
            This is my fourth visit to the Eastern   every occupation and in every part of   any lead in solving these problems in
            Shore since 1933 —perhaps more visits   the country.                 cooperation with his Government, he
            than any other President has made; and                               even-found fault with and opposed,
                                               During this process there were of course   openly or secretly, almost every
                                               many people both in private and public
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