Page 33 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 33

Economic lesson number one of the past   But what I want to emphasize is that   to pass a nationwide old-age pension
            twenty years is that men and women   workmen's compensation laws are not   and unemployment insurance act. Once

            on farms, men and women in cities,   for the sole benefit of workmen injured   again the Representative from the Free
            are partners. America cannot prosper   in industry. They confer a definite   State of Maryland took the lead and,

            unless both groups prosper. That is the   benefit on farmers because the injured   thanks to his pioneering, decent security

            keystone in the arch of the economic and   industrial worker is able to get his   of life is assured today to millions of our
            social policy of your Administration in   compensation promptly and continue   people.
            Washington.                        to buy food for himself and his family.
                                                                                 I know that, speaking here to you
            May I illustrate again by taking some   Later on in the halls of Washington   citizens in Denton and to people who
            high-spots?                        a young Congressman pushed and    are listening in on the radio all over
                                               pleaded until he got a parcel post law   Maryland, I know that I do not have to
            Nearly thirty years ago people who were   on the statute books of the United States.   name that young man. That man is now

            injured in factories through no fault   That parcel post law was of principal   well along in mature middle age, and I
            of their own found it difficult, if not   benefit to those who in every state lived   do not have to tell you his name. But in

            impossible, to get adequate compensation   on R.F.D. routes. But it was not for their   forty-seven other states there are people,
            for their injuries. A very proper demand   benefit alone, for it helped their brothers   millions of them, who are listening to

            arose for workmen's compensation laws.   and sisters who worked in the cities of   what I am saying on this Labor Day, and
            Thanks to the pioneering of a young   the country.
            Maryland legislator, the fi rst Workmen's
            Compensation Act ever to be passed   And that young Congressman was the
            in the United States was adopted by   same Maryland legislator of earlier days.
            Maryland. Ten years later, I, following
            this man's lead, was helping to pass a   Many years later it became clear that
            workmen's compensation law through   the problem of dependent old age was
            the Legislature of the State of New York.  a trying one, that the states and the
                                               Federal Government, that employers
                                               and employees, should come together

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