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Wallet Factory case studies – E-Kyash (Belize)

          Value delivered

          The results of app implementation are quite impressive as customers and business
          users started widely utilizing E-kyash in their day-to-day banking operations:

                                  enrolled users two months later
            38 000 after the E-Kyash app’s launch
                                                                                   In line with our client’s
                                                                                   key objectives, the app
                                  P2P transactions                                 attracted over 15% of
            ~27 000 were successfully performed                                    younger generation
                                                                                   users aged between
                                                                                   14 and 17 that helped
            15 000            +   purchases were closed                            include them into
                                 using QR codes
                                                                                   financial services and
                                                                                   promote personal
                              +  stores enabling smooth cash-in/cash-out           finances management.
                    1100   transactions and QR code payments

                  “E-kyash has revolutionized the way financial services are delivered today in Belize. The FinTech app has won
                widespread approval by both B2B and B2C bank customers with its usage growth rates exceeding exponentially.
                  Together with Wallet Factory, we already have a strategy roadmap that will add much value to the Belizean
                  market, drive financial inclusion, and bring not only modern financial services but also refreshing experience
                       providing a brand new payment method for the everyday usage along with a lot of excitement
                                             to the Caribbean market and beyond.” –
                                                      Agata Ruta

                             Head of Digital, Business and Retail Banking at the Belize Bank Limited

          End-customers’ feedback

          “I’m so in tune with these modern times,   needed WiFi and my cell number to   “I am a businessman in San Pedro and
          and I’m very happy about it!! I take my   apply!! Hopefully, one day, this service   recently signed up for E-kyash. This is
          E-kyash everywhere with me !! It’s way   becomes available to my international   the best thing ever launched! The ease
          easier to shop. I’m always on the go,   clients as well. Thank you Belize Bank   and safety to pay or receive money
          but I never forget my phone!! I’m really   for providing this extra service !! Keep   is great! It is so convenient, not sure
          happy the Bank created this digital   it up!! Looking forward to many more   how I did without it for so long!  I highly
          wallet for me, especially since it’s mainly   future ones as well. :)” –  recommend it and wish more people
          for locals. I truly feel safer receiving                 Judy Hoare   and establishments would use it.” –
          money. Best part about this app, I only
                                                                                                 Kevin G. Gonzalez

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