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Wallet Factory case studies – zaky/areeba (Lebanon)
Backend development solution for
payment technology provider in MENA
Launched in April 2017, areeba is fully Business needs
regulated and licensed as a financial and requirements
institution by the Central Bank of Lebanon.
The company is a principal member of The client shared with us their business
vision and strategy aimed at providing
the Mastercard and Visa network, and better access to financial services across
has a strategic partnership with American unbanked and underbanked communities
Express and Discover Global Network. Being in the region. Starting from Lebanon, new
financial inclusion initiatives had to be further
a leading payment technology provider in expanded to neighboring countries like
MENA, areeba has recently extended its Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, Jordan, and Egypt where
digital financial services were also an issue
business reach in the region. To accelerate for end customers. To reach that objective,
financial inclusion and drive customer areeba needed a customer-first digital wallet
growth, the financial technology company application that would meet the needs of
smartphone users in the region.That was
reached out to Wallet Factory seeking a exactly where Wallet Factory came into play
reliable custom-built eWallet solution. to help with software app development.
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